Chapter 13

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The next day, Avia woke up, feeling much better than the day before. She actually felt normal. She got up off of the couch to get some breakfast. Surprisingly, nobody else was up yet. Avia went to the pantry to get some cereal. The second she spotted the Froot Loops, she knew she was going to eat them that morning. Then Avia walked over to the fridge to grab some milk. On it, there was a note from her parents. It read,

Dear Avia,
We had to run out to the store, we were out of a lot of things. We also both have a few other errands to run. We won't be home until about 3:00, we are so sorry. We think that your responsible enough to take care of yourself. You know the rules.
Mom and Dad

This was the first time that Avia had ever been left alone before. She decided to treat the day like any other normal day. She ate breakfast and walked the dogs, as usual. Afterwards, she took her computer back up to her room, and watch some youtube on it for about an hour. Stripe woke up around 11:00 in the morning. He had never been much of an early riser. After Stripe found Avia in her room, the two of them went back to the kitchen. Avia grabbed a bag of normal, salted, tortilla chips, and salsa, and went back up to her room. She worked on her story for school, and was very close to finishing it when 12:30 rolled around. Avia decided that she was pretty hungry by then, and decided to make herself some Ramen Noodles. Avia had eaten these for as long as she can remember, and had personally found that the beef flavored noodles were her personal favorite. She put two cups of normal water into a pot, and set it onto the stove. She watched it for what seemed like forever, when she remembered an old saying. A watch pot never boils. She decided to sit at the island, where she could see the pot, and got onto her phone.  She decided that she should text her mom and dad, just so that they would know that she was okay, and just to check in.  Ring, ring, ring, and the answering machine came on.  Avia left a message, and hung up.  She look back at the pot, but the water wasn't quite boiling yet.  She turned on the TV in the kitchen, and turned on the cooking channel.  The Pioneer Woman's Christmas special was on, so Avia decided not to change it.  She got so entraced by the Pioneer Woman's cooking, that she forgot that she had something on the stove herself.  The boiling water started to splash over the sides of the pot, and spill onto the floor.  When Avia finally looked over again, she realized that half of the water was on the floor, and her parents would be back in two hours, maybe less.  She had to get this cleaned up, and fast.  She went into the storage closet, and grabbed a bucket and the mop, and went strait to work.  In about thirty minuets, she had gotten all of the water mopped up, and still had an hour and a half left to herself.  She put another pot on the stove, promising to be more cautious this time around.  After successfully making a bowl of noodles, Avia sat down and ate them.  With her phone in hand, Avia sat it up, and began to watch youtube while she ate.  Avia had never been allowed to do this before, and she thought that since she was all alone, that there could be one exception to that rule.  She finished eating about an hour later, and sat down at her laptop in her room again.  She decided that in the last thirty minuets of her alone day, she would work on her homework some more, even though it would only take her about five more minuets to finish it off, and edit it afterwards.  The task at hand ended up taking ten minuets altogether, so she ended up spending the last ten minuets just surfing the web.  

When Avia's parents came through the door, Avia flew down the stairs to greet them.  When Avia met them at the bottom of the stairs, she realized that they had frowns on their faces.

'Whats wrong," Avia asked.

"The city wants to take our house, and make it public property.  There is nowhere else in the city we could move, so we would have to go someplace else," Sandra told her.

"Well that isn't so bad, is it?" Avia said, trying to brighten up the situation.

"You dont know the worst part," Scott told her. "If we leave the city for over a month, out consciences will disappear."

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