Chapter 30 - Life and Death

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(Y/N)'s POV
I feel quite bad for having to leave Fell so suddenly, he didn't even tell me what he was going to say, but no matter, I can talk to him another time and I must focus on the other AUs as well. I teleported into Reapertale, nothing seems off here, it must be somewhere else. Just as I was turning around, I was met with the presence of Death, literally; it was Death, himself. His sudden appearance scared me enough to make me jump and slip, Death quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.

I blushed, "Geez... you almost scared me to DEATH." I giggled.

"Hm, what brings you here, (Y/N)?"

I moved away, "Well, I'm just looking for something."

"Me, perhaps?"

"Well," Come to think of it now, maybe I should stay since I still have to check on this AU, I'll just stay here for a bit then leave, hopefully, Death will understand. "Yes, but I can't stay for that long sadly."

"Oh? Well then," He took my hand, "Let's cherish the moment we have then."

Death's POV
I started to pull (Y/N) closer to me, hoping to get a kiss from her. As I was doing so, she placed her hand over my mouth, "If I remember correctly, a kiss from Death can result in my demise..."

I chuckled, "It's anything I touch, cutie."

She jumped, "Oh goodness! Then does that mean-?!"

I giggled, "No, you're not going to die, especially since I want you alive." I took her hand and kissed it, "However, it is true that I can kill anything that I touch."

"So, I'm not going to die?"

"Hehe, who knows?"

She pouted, "Come on, Death..."

"Kidding, kidding, you won't." She sighed in relief, "Hey, do you wanna see something?" I held out my hand.

"Hm... why not?" She took my hand. We teleported into Toriel's garden, since I thought (Y/N) would enjoy this place. She was so amazed and speechless, it's definitely something that she isn't used to. She looks over to me, "Where are we...?"

"Toriel's garden."

"Is she here?"

"Not at the moment but you can look around."

(Y/N)'s POV
Toriel's garden was absolutely beautiful, all the flowers and plants, the insects and animals roaming around, it was a lovely view. I walked around her garden and admired as much as I could, everything here is so lively. As I was walking around, I felt a chill down my spine, it was that feeling again.

As much as I don't want to, I have to leave Reapertale and find the source of the problem. I turned around to see Death right in front of me, "Death!"

"(Y/N)..." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in, "Of all the things in this garden, you're the most beautiful thing in it." I blushed then he put a black rose in my hair, "A gift from Death, himself." Then he started to lean in, and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Death, I have to go."

He holds me tighter, "Oh, so suddenly?"

"I apologize, but I have some things to situate."

He let go, "I understand, good luck with that."

I nod, "Thank you, Death."

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