06. Memories

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"Ah, it is you!" Gyutaro spoke out with a smirk on his face as he looked at [name] who was standing beside Tengen who had already lost sight in his left eye. [name] was gently caressing Tengen's face, and soon her attention turned to Gyutaro.

"You were the one who had managed to escape and survive! I must say, he was pretty fast despite being injured terribly," Gyutaro commented and [name] noticed Tengen was getting angrier by the seconds as he had processed what Gyutaro had said.

"So it was you. You were the demon along with that bitch over there who killed him," he muttered out and wield his dual swords in his hands. He was pissed off, beyond angry right now.

For his best friend was killed.

"YES, IT WAS US! WE KILLED THE SHADOW HASHIRA! WE KILLED AKANE HAIZAKI!" and [name]'s eyes widened as she soon felt her memories flowing back into her. Her pink-tinted lips parted behind her mask and the dull look in her eyes disappeared a little.

"Not all demons are evil, [name]. As you can see, he isn't," and [name] turned to look at Akaza who was kneeling down beside her and having his hand out. [name] then giggled and soon placed her tiny hand into Akaza's hand.

"[name]! Look what I got for you!" and [name] then looked up and noticed Haizaki was dangling a string that contained a ball of light before her.

"It's a night light, that way you wouldn't be so afraid to sleep on your own next time!" and [name] giggled once more as she reached out for the night light.



"[name]! You should have been more careful, look at those wounds! Akaza! Why did you do that to [name]?!" and [name] giggled when Akaza was busy still tickling her. She had hit herself from left to right as she rolled around the floor, bumping into furnitures.

"Don't you find it funny, that we are friends despite our kinds being mortal enemies?" Akaza spoke out as he soon picked [name] up properly as Haizaki then allowed [name] to hold the equipment for blowing bubbles.

"Does it really matter? You saved [name] back then. I'm ultimately in debt to you. But don't eat me, if not I'll burn you from the inside," Haizaki joked and Akaza chuckled.

"[name], you're so adorable right now!" and noticed a gentle warm hand against her cheek. She then looked up, and her eyes could only widen at the one before her, her older brother. She then giggled and started to wave the stick around, creating little bubbles with it.

"Come on [name]! Blow into it, you will see the magic happen!"

"Are you sure she's supposed to place it that close to her mouth?"

"[NAME]! NO!"



"Ah, so this is where Akaza had been hiding around with the Shadow Hashira!" Gyutaro spoke out with a smirk as his sister, Daki stood beside him. They watched as Haizaki was busy protecting [name] by placing her behind him.

"You will not hurt [name] in any way! I will kill the both of you!" Haizaki yelled out and Gyutaro smirked.

"Weak. You call yourself the Shadow Hashira?! Weak! Nothing but all trash!" and [name] watched with her eyes opened wide as Gyutaro pierced his sickle into Haizaki before her.

"Nii-san!" [name] cried out in horror as blood splattered over their floor.

Blood splattered and [name] watched in horror as her brother who had remained in front was injured due to the sharp movements of the sashes. She watched as her brother before her started to move and pick her up quickly, running into the heavy snow, panting.

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