Chapter 3 - To Fear Scars

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In the other room, Eve White assisted the strange woman in bathing while Eve Black watched. Eve White did what she could to help undress the girl as she still had trouble standing. When her nightgown was finally removed, both of the twins realized they weren't dealing with an ordinary runaway.

Eve Black gasped when she looked up and saw multiple tiny burns covering her stomach, the scratches on her back and the bruising.

Eve White did her best to ignore what she saw but she couldn't hide her fear. What had happened to this girl? What or who could be capable of harming her in this way?

The woman felt the twins' eyes on her but she did her best to ignore them. She had no intention of explaining herself to anyone, let alone strangers. Now that the clean, warm water was in front of her, she only wanted to get clean.

Eve White helped her into their tub and gave her soaps and wash clothes to clean herself with. After she felt the girl was well taken care of, she grabbed Eve Black and they both left the room.

"Did you see that?!" Eve Black whispered.

"Yes, who could do something like that to a woman?"

"I don't know, but I don't want whatever lunatic did that hunting us down because we have her."

"What, you think someone might come after us?", Eve White's expression became quite grim.

Eve Black rolled her eyes and smiled. She forgot that her sister hardly ever thought of things going wrong. Her poor, quiet mind was never able to handle bad news. "No, no," Eve Black rubbed her sister's shoulder. "I'm sure nothing bad will happen. I'm just saying something bad did happen...with her and I think we ought to know since we are supposed to be caring for her."

"I agree, plus we could aid her more effectively if we knew what was wrong," Eve White said cheerfully. She saw her sister's expression and quickly realized that her fondness for the stranger was not shared.

"Hmm..." Eve Black scrunched up her face. "Of course it will," she smiled. "The sooner she's gone the better."

Eve White and Eve Black moved to find Henry, both of them already making up in their mind to tell him what they saw. After searching through the house for a while, they finally found both Henry and Dr. Talon enjoying the backyard. The two of them were taking care of a small, delicate plant that held a deadly poison.

"Have you two started without me again?" Eve Black fussed.

"We thought you would be too busy helping our new friend. How is the newcomer?" Henry asked.

"Our guest is fine," Eve Black clarified. "She's just dirty, wounded and alone like a lost dog," she rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Eve..." Dr. Talon warned with his tone.

"Oh?" she raised her brows. "What else would you have me say? This woman is strange, to say the least. Her body is covered in burns and cuts. Notice that I said cuts and not scars. They are recent," Eve Black complained.

"Yes, they are new. I saw them too. I have a bad feeling about everything, I think she was running away from something," Eve White nervously spoke up.

"Or someone," Eve Black spoke, although not-so-nervously. "What if she was running from some sociopath, what if she's being hunted? What if she was apart of some bloody religious group and we've invited her into this place...where we sleep, mind you?"

"That's enough Eve. I do not want to tell you again," Dr. Talon stood from his chair.

Eve Black frowned and crossed her arms. "Fine then. Let's all just ignore the possible danger that we could be in," she feigned a smile.

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