3. Revalation

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‘Wh…what did you say?’

The comment from the ninja hound snapped Naruto back into the present.

Pakkun sighed before repeating himself.

‘Naruto, Kakashi may still be alive.’

Naruto didn’t know what to say to that. He was conflicted between feeling happy, overjoyed that one of the most important people in his life wasn’t dead, but then on the other hand being terrified that it was false information. Then he’d have to deal with the agony of losing him all over again.

That was the only reason Naruto kept running away from Pakkun. But luckily the dog was loyal, and would never give up on his master.

‘Naruto, you’re being an idiot. According to the information we’ve got, Kakashi has been captured by the enemy. He is most likely being tortured mentally and physically in the most inhumane ways possible for the enemy to obtain intel. I know for certain he doesn’t give in easily, but that just means they’ll be extra harsh to him. Do you really want to let him stay there just to protect your stupid, childish feelings?!’

‘I…I…didn’t think of that.’ Naruto mumbled truthfully.

Realising how much of an idiot he had been, the young ninja stopped running and waited a few seconds for Pakkun to catch up.

‘Pakkun, which way?!’ Naruto asked urgently and Pakkun’s mouth turned up into a rare half-smile.

The boy never changed.

-Back in Konoha-

 The Fifth Hokage was pacing in her office. She knew full well that Naruto could take care of himself. Hell, when he was quite a bit younger he had even taken care of her. But she couldn't help but feel a sort of motherly worry. The boy had grown up without parents to call his own, and she had sort of adopted the role.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. 

She turned to see someone she had really not expected to see.

'...Jiriya?' she half whispered.

'It is I!' he declared, laughing.

'But you're...you're...'

'Dead? Yes, I suppose I am.' he mused. 'I don't really know what I'm doing here, although I don't have much time. However, I do know is that you're worrying about my student, am I right?'

Tsunade looked at the ground. He still knew her too well.

'Well, I think you know by now that Naruto is a very capable kid. So what is there to be worried about?'

The Hokage paused for a moment before answering.

'That boy is remarkable. He's been through so much, but he's still always smiling. He always somehow finds a way to carry on, despite what's happened. When y...you...' she stopped momentarily to regain her composure, then carried on. 'When you died, I felt almost certain he would finally crack. You should've seen him. First he was angry. But then, for about a week afterwards, he was just...not there. He was like an empty shell. He wouldn't stop crying, and it took all of his friends to help bring him back. Eventually, being as strong as he is, he found strength and carried on.'

'But you're worried he won't be able to do that this time.' Jiriya finished for her. 'I don't blame you for thinking that, but he is stronger than you think. If he can survive one of his Sensei's leaving him, he can handle one more, right?'

'But you don't understand, Jiriya.' she said urgently. 'Naruto doesn't just see Kakashi as a teacher. It's not immediately obvious to anyone, in fact, I don't even know if Naruto knows it himself. But they have become much closer than teacher and student. I don't know if the feelings go beyond that, but they definitely care immensely for one another.'

 'I see.' Jiriya said. He closed his eyes and sighed. 'That makes things a bit worse, doesn't it?'

Suddenly there was a puff of smoke. As it disappeared, they could make out that it wasn't an intruder trying to destroy Konoha, it was a ninja hound. One of Kakashi's to be precise.

 'And to what do I owe the pleasure?' Tsunade asked sarcastically, 'We already heard the news from Pakkun.'

'Forgive me Lady Fifth, but it appears our intel was incorrect. Kakashi is not dead.'

At this both she and Jiriya froze.

'Pakkun has already informed Naruto, and they have gone on ahead to retrive him. He is currently being held by enemy forces in a forest hideout. We do not know for certain what is happening to him, but most likely he is undergoing an interrogation.'

'Thank you for informing us. That is all.' Tsunade replied, regaining her composure.

The dog nodded once and disappeared. Tsunade turned to Jiriya.

'I'll go summon...' She trailed off, realising that he was no longer next to her. Maybe he had never been. Maybe she had imagined it all. But now she had more pressing matters to deal with.

'SAKURA!!' she yelled, calling to her student who she knew was waiting nearby.

 'Yes m'lady!' Saukra answered, bursting into the room. 

'Summon Sai and any other available shinobi, I've got a mission for you.'

a/n I am very sorry to the few people who have been wanting an update for over a month, I didn't realise it had been so long! So, I made this chapter quite long as an equivalent exchange ^-^ Also I wasn't planning on Jiriya making a surprise visit to Tsunade, but I felt it would be quite a nice thing to happen. Oh and THANK YOU FOR 300 READS!!! I am very happy since I didn't think anyone would read it and my writing style is kind of...odd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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