preparing for war

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I show up in the dark alley near the abandoned warehouse, starting to get annoyed at how late Xander is I take my phone out to send him a message but right then I get a message from him saying 'you look lovely tonight' causing me to immediately look up only to see a figure on the roof and right then they jumped down and landed right in front of me.

"Ivy, long time no see"nodding for me to walk with him which I do

"Yeah, it been a while since the last time we were in the same place together" crossing my arms I look at him to see him nod whiles he also crossed his arms

"Yeah, how have  you been?"

"I've been good I saw Elle and li today gosh they gave me a headache with how much energy they have, "I said causing him to laugh, gosh I haven't heard that laugh in a long time I nearly forgot how much I loved it.

"Yeah, they are like that...did you see Megan?" making me laugh instead at my interaction with her

"yeah she smacked me for leaving her with you and then she threw towels at me when I mentioned how her and blake made that deal and how they were perfect together. What happened between them?" we both stop at the top of the rooftop.

"I don't even know, he just decided to get a girlfriend but everyone can see he is in love with her but they are both too obvious to notice"locking eyes with my side when he said the words

"Yeah, I guess they are"we locked eyes and just stared at each other for a while

"so, what is it you want to talk to me about?" dumbly I say

"oh right, the north side has gotten a new leader and he is planning something we aren't ready for or want"this news surprised me because I had no clue that there was going to be a new leader

"wait who's the new leader?" making him gulp as I ask

"i- its, umm it's Mateo Dixon" looking away he says

"M--Mateo as in the guy who bullied me non stop, as in the guy that gave me emotional scars?"

"I'm sorry ivy I know how you feel about him but we can't do anything about it"hugging me he replied

"What is he planning?" pulling away from the hug I turn toward the wind 

"he doesn't know who the gang leaders of the south, west and east are so we still have time but it won't take him long for him to find out.I've been talking to the south side and they think he is getting ready to take over some of the underground arenas and the transport of the drugs. We all have a meeting together next week on Friday, you can bring whoever you want but just please be careful I don't want you to go back to the depression state just because he is back okay?"

"yes" I nod at him

"pinky promise?" making me laugh as he puts his pinky out in front of me

"pinky promise"

"Okay good, we should get you home before you fall asleep here"

"That sounds like a good idea"

"you better sleep I don't want you asleep when I see you tomorrow"glancing at me before looking back at the road he says and this made me sit up

"wait a second you just said tomorrow?"

"Yeah, me and blake and Megan are all transferring to your school"throwing me a smile he says making me jump up and hug me as soon as he pulled up in front of the gang house

"omg, that's gonna be so much fun" he chuckles and mumbles yes into my hair as he hugs me back. I open the door and we both bid our goodbyes, as I enter the house mostly everyone is asleep except Christien who nodded at me and we talk for a while and I ended up telling her about, tomorrow and she was as happy as I was when she heard then I decided that was it for tonight and after I took my shower, I changed into. my PJs and fell asleep, even though my thoughts were wandering to Xander and Xavier. It's like I'm stuck in between both and I need to do something before I'm too deep to choose from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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