When Death Takes Notice - Sample

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I have just finished editing this book, and it is now available as a book on Amazon, both as a paperback and as a digital file. (I know, it took me some time... a lot of time actually... I blame my love for procrastination... Without an actual deadline... let's just say that time was on my side, and I was not afraid to waste it...)

I want to thank all of the wonderful readers who read my book when I wrote it here on Wattpad. It meant the world to me. I just love reading all of the wonderful comments, both the good and the bad. So, as a small thank you gesture, I will make the book free to download for a few days on Amazon, both for previous readers and for those of you who are currently reading the book for the first time but did not get to finish all of it before I had to take it down due to it being a part of Amazon KDP Select. You can download the book for FREE between Friday 13th March to Tuesday 17 March 2020 on Amazon. There will still be a few sample chapters uploaded here on Wattpad, but the whole book can now be found on Amazon. 

And... I will still be writing other books here on Wattpad, but this one book will be Amazon exclusive. Publishing a book of my own has always been a weird little dream of mine, and sometimes you just have to reach for the stars. (...and if the stars won't come down to your level, then you make your own fucking stars... and you twinkle the fuck out of that shit...)

Thanks again for all of the support. 



(The book is by no means picture perfect and probably never will be... let's just say that I definitely cracked some eggs while editing, so... there will still be errors present, albeit not nearly as many as before. But beauty lies not in the flawless silken skin of a book, but in the bloodied remains of devastated grammar nazis grinding their teeth in utter despair everywhere. (if you close your eyes and listen very carefully, you can hear the distant sound of enamel-coated pearly whites gnashing together... *chuckles* well... at least I made them "feel")

When Death takes noticeWhere stories live. Discover now