What You Can't See Can't Hurt You - Sample

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It was several hours later, and I was sitting on a bus, which was currently very far away from London. The distance which slowly grew between myself and what I previously knew as safe did something to me. I could feel Mr. Assassins chilling gaze on the back of my neck, I could feel his breath on my cold clammy skin, I could hear the echo of his threat bounce off the walls of the bus. No one else seemed to take notice of this, of him, of his presence. Because it was all me. I was the one who could feel him even though he was not even on the damned bus. I was actually almost all alone on the bus, and it was getting dark outside.

I had, in fear of the reciprocations, done exactly as Mr. Assassin had instructed me. I had pocketed the money he gave me and left everything else back in the hotel room. I now had no ID, no phone, no wallet, no nothing. All I had was the clothes on my back, a few pounds which were leftover from the money which he had previously given to me, and my life. Let's not forget that, I still had my life. That's got to count for something right?

Per his instructions, I had made my way down to the tube station, taken the tube to Victoria Station, gotten on a train there, then a bit later I had gotten on a bus. It was the last mentioned that I was currently on.

I looked out the window, my breath was fogging up the chilled glass. Dark silhouettes of trees flew by at an alarming rate. We were in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't even know where to run if I tried to embark on such a pointless endeavor. The bus started to slow down and came to a halt at a small deserted bus stop. I looked at the sign above the small bus shed, it was apparently my stop. There was nothing there but that shed, the signs, and the looming forest surrounding it.


Nowhere to run off to... except the woods...

I stared off into the darkness, nothing was visible past the first three rows of trees. Running into the woods in the middle of the night wasn't really a viable option. Mr. Assassin wouldn't need to kill me, nature would do it for him.

I got off the bus, my feet dragging, I was in no hurry to leave the last piece of safety behind. My feet had barely managed to touch the asphalt underneath when the bus closed its doors and left me there. It left me there in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, all alone. I glanced around, my nerves getting the better of me. I hated the dark, I always had. My imagination always ran wild in the dark. Every sound, every shadow slightly moving, could be a monster. A monster lurking just beyond my vision ready to come for me. But maybe I didn't need to be afraid of the dark anymore, I already knew what, or rather who, was coming for me. And sure enough what was coming for me was a monster, a human monster. Reality it seems can be more frightening than the monsters of my own conjuring.

I sat down on the bench provided and waited, waited for him, for the monster. And thankfully I didn't have to wait that long. Each second was pure torture when you knew, yet didn't know just what to expect.

I heard a low rumble in the distance, a rumble which was coming closer. I could see a headlight. It slowed down as it neared the bus stop. Mr. Assassin stopped the motorcycle he was riding right in front of me. He slipped off the bike in one graceful movement and gestured for me to come closer to him with a sharp flick of his right hand.

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