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"Nyck!" I yell from the top of my lungs. The boy doesn't even turn around. I hate him so much.

"My dearest brother in the whole world?" He immediately turns around with a huge grin on his face. "God, give me patience with him"

"You need patience with me? I had to live with you when you were a baby!" he laughs. I don't find it funny. "I was the cutest and nicest baby ever"

Even my mom laughs. "I think it's time you learn the truth, honey. You were wild. You wouldn't let anyone sleep for more than 10 minutes, you were worse than Nyck"

My brother sticks his tongue out at me. "Talk about childish" I mutter.


"I wonder how is she, she was so quiet since she left" Sean says.

I'm fuming. He has the audacity to say this right in front of me, her boyfriend.

"Dude, get over her. She doesn't like you"

"Bold of you to assume that"

"I'm her boyfriend, what else would i think?"

He shuts up and gives me an ugly stare. Will he ever get it that she was never into him?


hey, how are you?

I wait for a solid hour before she sees my message. I don't mind it, I know she's with her family and I don't blame her for this.


i'm really tired, lol
how are you?
are you better?

yeah, i'm better

i wish i could be there
with u now :(

it's okay, we'll meet in
a week or so, we'll get
all the time together ;)


We talk for a bit more, and then I go to sleep. The time zone is killing me, but, if I'm honest, I would stay up for her any moment.


I feel bad for leaving him like that. I have barely talked to him or given him any kind of attention in this past week. I'm such a bad girlfriend.

I put my phone down and go talk to Nyck.

"Nyck?" I say, making it sound sad on accident. He immediately comes to me.

"Is everything okay?" He looks at me worried and half hugs me, out of relief that I'm alive.

"Yeah, can we talk?" I gesture to my room

He follows me, not saying a word. He knows it's serious when it comes to me wanting to talk to him.

"First of all," I sit down, and so does he "I'm really surprised how you didn't make a scene already since Marcus and I are dating"

"Well, what can I say, Marcus is the only one I trust. He's not a liar and he would never hurt you. Have I ever told you about the time we were at the party when you came with me?"

I nod in disagreement.

"He made me go outside to ask if you were single. When he saw you dancing with Sean I could see his heart breaking. I think he's loved you since day one"

I tear up. Thinking of how much he did for me and how bad I treat him makes me sad. He deserves so much more.

"I'm a constant disappointment to him, then"

"What did you do?"

I take a deep breath, wipe the tears away and start talking. I tell him about the times I've ignored him to be with my family and about the times I just didn't feel like answering his calls.

"I'm a horrible person"

He hugs me, wiping the new tears away. "You're anything but horrible. He loves you, and it will take so much more than this for him to stop loving you, trust me"

I smile. He knows both of us really well, and I doubt he'd lie to any of us when it comes to serious things like this. Sometimes, your brother is lovable, it just takes time.

"Now, that you've calmed down, I need to see your graduation pics"

"There is no way I'm showing you those"

"Then I'm making mom do it"

He runs away and I run after him. He's seen the pics, but he only does this to make me smile and forget about it.

Nyck De Vries, you're a good brother sometimes.

Only when you're not annoying. So like, maybe, with a lot of luck, once a year.

I need to call Marcus and make up to all the times I've been a bad girlfriend.

"Hi, sorry to wake you up, I just wanted to tell you something"

"Sure, no problem babe. What is it?"

Hearing 'babe' makes me melt. "I'm sorry for being a bad girlfriend, I promise to make it up to you for being so bad, I just have to figure out how"

He smiles, and when he's about to say something, a voice is heard from the room. "Honey, who is she?"

Accidentally ; Marcus Armstrong (vol I)Where stories live. Discover now