Boring as always

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Taylor's pov

I peel my 2 day old plasters off of my toes and my heel and take a deep breath. That always hurts like Fuck but it's not my fault I've got bunions. It's inherited from my great aunt Janice, awful woman.
I work at a call centre in down town LA, it makes me want to cry and I can't find any other job, even McDonalds would be better than this. Christ, being a janitor at a crematorium would be better than my job :(
I'm forced to wear clothes that you'd find on sale in oxfam, but hey, I guess it pays well.
I get in my brown Honda and speed off down the street, but not before stopping at the local corner shop. Sarah is on the till, she's rude and makes fun of my clothes with her friends who come in. She's also Scottish which is rather sad.
"How much were yer welly boots" she asks
I look down at my peeling doc Martins that I got from a car boot sale 5 years ago. I completely ignore her and walk to the back of the store, I pick up an apple and some iced coffee, I retreat back to the front of the shop where Sarah looks me up and down
"Right hen that'll be be 2 pound, shite, 2 dollars"
"Aren't you not meant to swear at customers" I say with concern on my face
"Pipe down" she spits back
"Aye ye will be when a kick yer cunt in so hard it'll be in yer throat, dick"
I practically run out of the shop and jump into my car.
In no time I Reach my destination, my final destination by the way things were going. I swing open the door, but not before someone swings it right back off my face and my coffee falls all over me. I look up, about to hit someone before I discover it's my boss.
He didn't even apologize, he told me to get back to work and clean myself up. God I hate him. I walk to the bathroom to see that my mascara running and my lipstick is on my shirt. Shit. I look awful. I choose to ignore my life issues and walk towards the desk. It's at the back of the building so every department essentially saw me looking as awful as I did.

I see a massive stack of work at my desk and I'm honestly tempted to leave. Before I can, my boss asks me to step aside so he can talk to me. I do as he says and I follow him to his small office where I can see a rather large picture of his family, his son looks like a carrot and his wife's name is definitely Susan or carol, she gives me bad vibez. Freak.

He stares at me, says nothing, just looks, then tells me to leave? As I go to leave, he whispers to me
"Hellooo chickapea... are you here to see meee?"
I don't know what to say to that. My plasters start to tingle as I am scared to my core
"Or are you going to leave" he mutters
"Sorry I need to go now" I sputter
"No problem chicken" he winks at me and snarls
Fuck this. I'm leaving, crazy bitch
I go to leave, but I quickly turn back
"LOVE YOuuu" he screams violently
I shut his door, it's best to pretend that what just happened was just my imagination.

I can't stop thinking about what happened. I'm scared for work tomorrow, I'll just need to see what happens

You're getting on my nerves TaylorxsmutxbossWhere stories live. Discover now