this morning was something else...

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Taylor POV

I wake up with tears in my eyes, I must have had a bad dream but I can't remember what happened, maybe it will come back to me. I sit up on my bed and open my mini fridge and pull out a can of corona, yes I shouldn't drink on a tuesday morning at 6am when I also have work and need to drive 30 minutes from my apartment but I need something to get me through the day. Honestly my work is horrible, my co-workers, I seem to have nothing in common with them, and my boss. Oh my boss is horrible. I walked into his office yesterday before leaving and he was biting his toe nails onto his computer I nearly was sick. I have tried to look for other jobs but I never get calls back. To be fair I don't have a lot of experience in the working side of life, this is my first proper job and yes I hate it a lot but it is what pays my bills.

I am 23 years young and I have a shitty apartment, 2 cats and a shitty car that just manages to get me from place to place. It is now around 6:30am. I have drank my corona, and now its time to feed the cats. Little Milo and Chloe are my two cats. I bought Milo as my first pet at 17. He is now six years of age and honestly, hasn't had the best of lives. Milo is blind, Has three legs, one eye and is allergic to sunlight. It's a good thing he is an indoor cat who doesn't go outside anyways. I love him but it is rather sad to watch him walk into walls with only three legs. Once he walked into my fireplace and I had to call the fire department. That's actually how he lost his leg and eye and is now blind but he is good and I try my best to be the best owner for him. Then Chloe on the other hand is an outdoor cat who lets just say is a little trouble maker. She was given to me from my Great aunt Gianna, once she had died I had Chloe given to me from the will. When my aunt Gianna had her she was rescued from a bin on a side walk. Now I'm going to be honest, I don't know if she was abandoned or actually had owners but I guess my aunt just took her and raised her as her own. Chloe gets herself into a lot of shit, just the other day I woke up and found her in the toilet with a whole roll of toilet paper wrapped around her. She was drenched to say the least. Two weeks ago I came home from work, annoyed because my boss had stolen my computer and denied it then I find little Chloe stuck in one of the couch cushions. Anyways you've heard enough about my cats. I got up, went to feed them and I couldn't find Chloe or Milo  I searched for them quickly, I couldn't find Chloe so I left her biscuits and water in her bowl and try find Milo. When I found him he was lying on my bed, I don't know how he snuck round me or even got on the bed considering he's blind but I pick him up and take him to his bowl where he eats his breakfast and as he is eating I go for a shower. Once i'm out of the shower I grab a towel and wrap it round my cold, wet, shivery body. " Ugh its getting closer to work time " I said out loud in a distressed voice. I get dressed, do my hair quickly by chucking it up in messy space buns and to look a little more presentable, I put on my golden shiny, cat ears. Once I've done all that I quickly pull the plaster box out of my pillow and put the plasters all over my feet bunions. And i get going ... sadly.

I hop in the car, put the key on the gearbox and the old, broken engine roars loudly. I begin to reverse out and I hit something, I jump because I don't know what I just hit for all I know it could have been a Child or a dog. I hop out my car to see what was happening and I see my cat Chloe lying on the ground beside my wheel. I nearly burst into tears thinking I've killed my cat yet all of a sudden, she jumps up and tries attacking me like I have done something wrong. I pull her away and quickly jump back into the car.

Now i'm driving to the corner store, it is the only place I can buy a good crunchy red apple except I need to put up with the bitch who owns the place, Sarah. I quickly pull into a space close to the door so I can jump in and out.

Sarah's POV
' Hey Taylor' I look at my friend Rachel and try to hold back my laughter. ' oh hello' she said very shyly. She looked like she was about to cry, you know some part of me inside wanted to feel sorry for her but I just couldn't. I mean come on... look at her shoes.
' nice shoes you got there chickapea' Rachel says laughing. Taylor ignored. She walked up to the counter with golden cat ears on, and a knitted sweatshirt with a lot of cat hair on it. She has her usual on the counter, a red apple and a caramel iced coffee. ' that will be the usual amount honey.' She hands me two dollars like every morning and takes her things and quickly leaves ' Ta much hen' I say right as the door is opening. ' what a bloody state'

You're getting on my nerves TaylorxsmutxbossWhere stories live. Discover now