(1) The Announcement

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-The Last Day of Junior Year-

Students at St Highland Academy were entering the halls of the school. It was the day they had been waiting for all year long the last day. As they were sitting in first period the guidiance counselor came over the intercom.

"Good morning students. A few announcements to make this morning. If you are a junior going into your senior year after today. Please stay after school there is a mandatory meeting in the theatre hall."

Maria continued to go over the announcements. Bucky seen Alexis writing the meeting down in her planner. He smirked he got out a piece of paper. Once he was done writing he threw it at Alexis.

She rolled her eyes as she pulled it out of her hair. When she opened it up she shook her head at him..

"Such a nerd! Like you are going to forget about the meeting."

Bucky snickered as she read it. She threw it away as the teacher began class. During 4th period as Bucky was practically falling asleep in his history class.

The intercom beeped 5 minutes before class was over. The beep made everyone jump awake that was half asleep.

"This is just a reminder that all incoming seniors are to report to the theatre hall. It is a mandatory meeting."

Bucky groaned. "God what the hell is so important." He whispered to his friend Weston.

"Who knows. This school is so fucking irritating. Im glad we are almost done with this place." Weston said as the bell rang.

All the incoming seniors went to their lockers to clean them out. Once they were done they headed down to the theatre hall. Standing on the stage was the principal Nick Fury,Assistant Principal Phil Coulson and 4 teachers.

Those 4 teachers were the heads of the drama/music/art departments.

"Don't sit just yet. We are going to split you up into groups before we explain what is going on." Mrs Lucille Davidson said (Drama/Dance teacher)

"When I call your name you are to sit here." Phil said as he pointed to a section of seats.

"Peter Parker,Ned,Michelle,Silas Cooper, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts." Phil said as he read a list.

Maria came on to the stage she said "If I call your name you are to sit here." As she pointed to a section beside them.

Maria called off a group of kids and they took their seats. Mrs Davidson had her clipboard ready as she said.

"Next group of names will sit here. Nikki Baker,Peggy Carter,Liliana Harper,Sharon Carter,Ryan Lancaster,Ollie Bartley and Lydia Jones." She read off.

Mrs Edith Matthews(choir) took the mic and said "Now all of you that is left. Which should be..

"Alexis Hartley,James Barnes,Sam Wilson,Steve Rogers,Wanda Maximoff Pietro Maximoff,Clinton Barton,Natasha Romanoff,Scott Lange,Hope Pym,Weston and Easton Jacobs,Emily Jones, Chloe Garrett,Zara Jacobs,Jasper Jacobs,Delilah Cooper and Lindsey Stringer."

"Sit here on the stage." Mr Elijah Tipton (Band teacher.)

They all took the stage and sat down. Mr Fury took the mic back.

"Now..over the last 4 years. You all have been required to take classes. With Mrs Davidson,Mr Tipton,Mrs Matthews and the art teacher Mr Allen. We here at St Highland require a well rounded education. That includes these classes. That being said in order to pass these classes to graduate you all have to particpate in what we call the senior show."

"What?" A bunch of popular kids including Bucky said in unison.

"This is how we keep this program running. Every student that has come through those doors or at our sister schools has done it." Maria said

"We perform in front of our family,friends and local community. They donate to the school which keeps the program running here at our school." Fury said

"You all here on the stage. Are our main performers Mr Barnes and Ms Hartley are the main leads.." Mr Tipton said

"Parker you and your group are our IT guys. You are to do sound and lighting. The art department is beside. The extras are you Carters and the others." Mrs Matthews said as she started to pass out folders for everyone.

"Be back here Monday morning at 9 AM. These folders have all your songs and scripts we may be using. Band members it has your music to learn the notes and chords." Mrs Matthews said

They all left the school in a huff. When Bucky arrived home he threw his keys and folder on the coffee table. Bucky was telling the maid what he wanted to eat.

"Oh my gosh my son is the lead just like dear ol dad." James said as he came into the kitchen.

"Don't start. I hate this dad this is so stupid. And Im paired with a nerd Alexis Hartley. Of all the girls they could pair me with it had to be her." Bucky said as he took a bite of his BLT sandwich.

"Oh Hartley's daughter." James said

"Yes her.." he said remembering that his dad knows her family.

"She's amazing. You would know that if you actually cared about more things than girls and football. We have gone to the school productions." Winnie said as she came into the kitchen.

"Whatever mom. I will be so glad to get the hell out of here next year." Bucky said as he walked off leaving his folder on the kitchen counter.

Just down the road Alexis was in her room going through everything in her folder. She was excited cause she loved being in the school plays. Hudson came in "Aww I know that folder." As he sat down.

"Look I get to be Sandy and Stephanie again!" She said

"You are going to do amazing baby girl. Your mom is smiling down on you today baby. Jenni got called into work so I figured me and you could go grab dinner." Hudson said

"I would like that." She said as she put everything up.

"Mexican? Chinese? Italian?" Hudson said as they headed down the stairs.

"Italian.." she said

"Olive Garden it is." Hudson said as he got his keys.

Bucky's bedroom window over looked most of the neighborhood. He looked out his window to see her and Hudson talking and laughing as they got in the car.

He shook his head. "Must be nice." He thought to himself.

James was up for re election for mayor. Bucky's family was all politcians and lawyers. He was expected to follow suit but all he dreamed about was going to the NFL and leaving behind his family.

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