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I couldn't see the bunny anymore but I did see Lily Anne get scared of the dark. "it's dark in here!" she yelled and grabbed onto Josh who just pushed her away "Get off me dummy!" I held onto her hand "Don't worry, it's just us in here. There's no monsters." I caught a glimpse of her smiling at me untill we saw the bunny again. This time the mask was off. I noticed it was that man from the car again. "you know.." the man began "this suit is stiff.." He climbed out and reached into the torso of the suit. He pulled out a long knife and inspected it for a minute. I felt my heart pound in my chest. "why do you have a knife...?" The man looked at me and sighed "Let's just get this over with. I can't stand to look at your faces anymore."
I saw Charlie approach the man "I.. I want to leave! You have to let us ou-"
His sentence stopped suddenly and we heard a choking sound. The man smiled to himself and spoke up "That's one down..four to go." That's when it began. The screams and cries for help. Lily closed her eyes and yelled "I WANT TO GO HOME! I WANT MY MOMMY" I saw Josh run to her "It's ok.. Your OK.." He picked her up and held her close. "I'm sorry. I love you Lily Anne" She hugged him tight and they fell to the floor. The man approached them and grabbed Lily by the hair. Josh looked up, tears falling down his cheeks. "NO! LET HER GO! YOU SICK BASTARD!" Josh was yelling and Lily was bawling her eyes out. I looked to Charlie and ran to him. I held his hand and cried next to his dead body. "Its me! It's me ChooChoo, I'm right here.." I saw the deep stab wound that went right through his neck which pumped with his blood. ".. It's all my fault.. I'm sorry.." I heard a piercing scream and looked up, my face covered in his blood. The man had held Lily up and slit her throat open. Josh was hugging her corpse and wouldn't stop apologizing to her. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. I looked to Jack, who was sitting in a corner, holding his head in his hands and bawling his eyes out.
"Stay away from strangers.." said the purple man laughing, holding a bloody knife in his hand. Josh was on his knees, holding his dead sister close to him. I stood up and ran to Jack, who was losing his mind. I covered his ears and hugged him while we could hear Josh shrieking. I looked over and saw Josh being slashed in the back multiple times untill he stopped moving and breathing. The man stood up and turned to us. "The girl would just never shut the fuck up. Screaming is a terrible sound.."
I shielded Jack with my body, my back turned to the man. He grabbed my collar and threw me across the room. I heard Jack shout to me "NO, MAX!" The man smiled "The birthday boy will go last. He needs to see this..." I stood there with blood and tears covering my face. I heard jack saying "What are you-" his sentence was cut off, just like charlies had been.
He held Jack to the wall and stabbed him right through the face.  I fell to my knees and screamed out to him. "JACK! OH MY GOD! NO!"
I stood up and ran to him but I was immediately pushed back. He continued stabbing him through the face, untill the shrieks stopped, and Jack fell lifeless to the floor. The man turned to me slowly and licked his knife smiling. "Well.. How'd you like your present?" He said laughing. I covered my mouth, I couldn't speak. I just, cried.
The purple guy approached me with the blade, dripping with blood. I stumbled backwards and tripped over Charlie's body. I screamed out to him. "I DONT WANT TO DIE!"
I reached for charlies hand and held it tight. I looked around the room. Josh was laying next to Lily Anne in a pool of their own blood. Jack was slumped lifeless on the floor, his face now unrecognizable. I took a final look at Charlie, he was pale and cold." I'm sorry ChooChoo.."
the man stood on my chest and spoke the last words I would ever hear. "Happy birthday Max. I hope you enjoyed your day."
I let out a final scream as he plunged the knife deep into my chest multiple times. I saw the whole day flash before my eyes. Every memory I ever made had seemed to appear in front of me. The sharp stab pains continued for what seemed like forever, untill they stopped and I closed my eyes. It was quiet. No one was screaming or crying anymore. All we heard, was silence.

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