Not So Much Detained

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Life in the "gulag" was going very smoothly as I finished up the last of my documents and headed out to the common room. Unfortunately the higher ups couldn't find any spare uniforms for me as most of them had been ruined by the sudden assault, but they would instead make one as soon as I finished undergoing the human-kansen fusion project that I was part of.

"Your higher ups are very considerate, waiting for you to receive your rigging before designing your uniform around that." Alpha says as she "watches" over me. The sirens almost had free roam of the entire North Union and they were treated much like us, with some respect as allies.

"Say what is the rigging going to look like?" I ask. "I'm curious."

"You see that's what we're debating on." Alpha replies as Beta walks over.

"If we're going to construct rigging we have to think about how it's going to be constructed. If we make it too futuristic then it's going to be painfully obvious that we were involved." Beta says.

"Well, at this point they're way too suspicious of us already working with you guys, so you may as well say to hell with making it match the girls here. You should have seen how rash Bismarck and Hood were with me." I reply. "I'm going to leave it up to you for the most part how you want it to turn out."

"I see." Beta says. "Judging by how fierce you look out in the battlefield, I'm thinking of theming your rigging off of a shark, a mako to be exact."

"So will I be riding it like Purifier?" I ask.

"Oh no, that's so unoriginal." Purifier chuckles. "What we're thinking of doing is constructing this rigging like a sort of protective armor to make sure you can take some hits and still keep on going. You'll almost look like some sort of knight if that suits your fancy."

"A knight?" I ask.

"Hey, there you go, you'll be Avrora's knight in shining armor!" Gangut chuckles.

"Gangut!" I shout.

"She never gets enough does she?" Purifier chuckles. "But yeah, that's what it'll resemble."

"This should be interesting." I say. "I'm almost thinking of how it's gonna look." I chuckle as I imagine myself about to land in the water, and then my rigging emerges, encasing me in this awesome armor before I land with a mighty splash and start devastating everything in my path.

"Hey, you done daydreaming there?" Purifier giggles as she snaps me back to my senses.

"Oh, sorry about that. What were you saying?" I ask.

"What class are you looking at?" Purifier replies.

"I want to be quick but at the same time I still want to pack a punch. Think you can do a battlecruiser rigging?" I say.

"We can definitely do that." Beta replies. "I'll be sure to leave a note for our workers to design the guns around that." And with that Beta portals out to deliver the notice before she returns. "How's the gaming system?"

"It's pretty fun." I say. "It's definitely won us the battle against boredom many times, especially that plane shooting game."

"Yeah that one's pretty fun." Beta chuckles. "Wanna see how good you are against some of us sirens? That game is an absolute classic."

"Alright, I'll take you up on that offer." I reply. "I bet I can give you sirens a run for your money, even with one arm." And with the challenge taken up, I fire up the game, pick up the light gun and wait for the sirens to pick up the controllers. The three elites, along with one lesser siren, take up control of the planes and I get to work shooting them down. Unsurprisingly the sirens are very good at maneuvering their planes to avoid my shots, but it's not enough as I still continue to shoot them down. Eventually the experience of the sirens shines through and a half hour in I find myself unable to down them, and I lose to the sirens. "I shouldn't have doubted your skills."

"Yeah you shouldn't have." Purifier chuckles. "Although that may have been because you don't have the control."

"Could be, maybe, I don't know." I chuckle back. "Anything else you girls wanna do? Besides act like prisoners of war?"

"I don't know honestly." Rossi says. "These clothes are just too different for me. At least the skirt is long."

"Not that we mind." Chapayev chuckles. "Some of us have grown very used to them. We are practically impervious to the cold after all."

"I wonder if they'll try to attack us while we're "contained"." I say. "Maybe the Eagle Union or the Sakura Empire would. I'm not sure about the others though."

"I wouldn't be too sure." Gangut replies. "Remember everyone's suspicious of us."

"Their suspicions could be confirmed depending on how the sirens design my rigging, but then again, a human becoming part kansen is going to set off red flags everywhere, so we may as well make it look like siren rigging, it's all up to them really." I say.

"Pretty much. He's given us free reign, but he wants it to look like a mako shark and he wants a battlecruiser setup." Alpha adds. "I would have recommended a large cruiser setup, but then again I'm not sure how that would work out."

"I mean I want to be able to pack big guns, while at the same time I can still move quickly, and I thought a battlecruiser could do that." I reply.

"Should be interesting. You'll be going up against the likes of the Royal Navy, who employ the most out of any other faction, and maybe Bismarck. She's considered a fast battleship but speed is debatable." Beta says. "We'll probably have your cybernetic arm finished soon. When it's done I'll have you portaled over and we can fit it."

"Sweet." I reply. "Can I expect anything interesting?"

"We will have to sedate you so we can make sure nothing goes wrong during the fitting process. We'll be wiring the cybernetic to your nerves so it will respond just like you want it to." Beta says.

"I await the day I get it." I chuckle.

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