Part 5

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A/N: I finally updated the story! Sorry been so busy with college. I also have been on this DC craze and have so many ideas for writing but haven't done it.


"Everyone, get down!" Alex said. People ducked. Cater and Joe threw up the table to get cover. The group came running in and shooting. Zoey was still standing. Alex lunged and knocked Zoey to the ground. A firefight began happening between Joe and Carter.

"Alex!" Joe yelled tossing a gun to Alex. Alex caught it with ease and began shooting. He got several of the men in the shoulder. Alex also began feeling dizzy. Allison and Zoey were holding each other. Soon the group left the café and ran. Carter and Joe began trying to run after them. Alex stayed to make sure they didn't double back, which they did. A few of the men came in through the back and headed straight for Alex. Alex continued to shoot but missed or it was just a flesh wound.

Alex put the gun on safety and began to fight the men. He was able to knock out one person but was hit in the shoulder by another making him off-balanced. Then the leader lunged at him with a knife and cut Alex in several places. Zoey and Allison were worried at this point for Alex. Vincent joined in the fight with a cast iron pan. He hit on the guy in the head knocking him out and he did a victory pose for hitting one of the men.

Alex continued to dodge the knife but became too slow at one point and was stabbed in the side. Alex was able to push the man away leaving the knife. Alex still stood and began his next round. Alex began throwing hits after hits and kicks that he was able to knock the man out. With everyone out for the count, Alex fell to the ground tired and in pain. Zoey and Allison ran to Alex. Vincent ran and grabbed the first aid kit as it would help much.

Joe and Carter ran back in with guns raised. They saw the men on the ground out cold and Alex in Zoey's arms looking pale.

"What happened here?" Carter asked.

"They came in through the back and began attacking Alex," Zoey said crying. Allison had the first aid kit out and began working on Alex as much as she could with the first aid kit. Alex was barely there as Allison put pressure on Alex's more serious knife wound that still had the knife in his side.

"We need to get him to GD soon. I can't treat him here." Allison said.

"I will bring the jeep around. We can load him in. Zoey, I need you to go with Joe and make sure that we can get him to the infirmary as soon as possible." Carter said and then ran out of the café. Zoey and Joe followed to get to Joe's car. Vincent brought towels from the kitchen and helped Allison wrap up some of the more non-serious wounds.

"Alex are you still with us?" Allison asked as she looked into his eyes. Alex barely heard what she had asked. He nodded his head slightly to answer her question. "Stay awake for us until we get to GD."

"I will try," Alex said in a whisper. Allison then grabbed the gun that Joe had given Alex and put it in her back pocket for safe keeping with the safety on. Andy and Carter ran into the café. Andy started cuffing all the men in black that were unconscious. They were the only ones that would know why they went after Alex. Carter had thought to as why they were there for Alex, but he didn't want to think about that right now.

They carefully loaded Alex into the back of the jeep. Allison stayed in the back to keep an eye on Alex was about to pass out. Carter put his lights on and took off. Allison still was putting pressure on Alex's major wound on this side. From what she could tell nothing important was nicked for the organs, but the blood worried her more. There was too much blood, but the knife was still on his side.

"Alex, what blood type are you?" Allison asked. Alex mumbled something; Allison barely heard what he said but know she knew the type. They were about halfway there.

"Can't you go any faster," Allison said with a worrying tone. Carter then had the pedal all the way down on the floor going a bit faster. Thankfully no one was on the road at that time of day. Alex then passed out. "Alex, Alex!"

He didn't respond so Allison put a finger on his pulse near his neck to make sure he was still alive. His breathing slowed and so did his heart rate. It seemed like forever but they were finally at GD with Zoey and Joe waiting for them. They had a gurney waiting by the door. They took it over to the jeep. Carter turned the car off and got out. He picked Alex up and transferred him over to the gurney. They rushed into GD with many confused people. Zoey and Joe got people out of the way as Carter and Allison moved the gurney.

By this time the whole town had heard about the shooting at the café. Many knew that someone had been hurt badly, a kid. The infirmary was in chaos as they got ready. Allison began getting ready. Nurses put an IV into Alex's arm put him on a drip. They put heart rate monitors on. He was sedated and they began working on the bleeders in his side.

Soon Alex was out of surgery with Zoey by his side waiting for him to wake up. Cater and Joe was in the area as well as trying to figure out who the men where. Several of them were in custody. Carter knew he would have to go talk to them at some point but right now, he was worried for Alex. He looked so hurt when they rushed here. He was fine for now.

Then his mind goes back to what he had said at lunch. Carter looked to the clock and it was getting late. He walked over to Zoey.

"Zoey, let's go get something to eat," Carter said.

"No, I am not leaving until he wakes up," Zoey said.

"Zoey," Carter said sadly.

"No, dad. I am not going anywhere without him." Zoey said straight into Carter's eyes. He sighed in defeat.

"Okay, but I am bringing some food for you. I will be back soon." Carter said leaving Zoey. Joe joined him and they got food for all of them including Allison who also refused to leave. Once they got food Joe and Carter would go talk to the mystery men.

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