Chapter 12

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Baekhyun's POV

"Argh!" I woke up in pain because what happened earlier "Are you okay Baekhyun?" Chanyeol woke up because of my scream "Of course not idiot. You hardly reap my ass"

"Oh now it's my fault. Who says Daddy pls fuck me hard like i can't walk for years now explain to me!?" I didn't say anything i just blush. I try to stand up but my ass is so painful "Shit" I curse

"Don't stand Baekhyun let me get you a food" I seat on the bed and wait for him "Heres your food Baby" He gives me the food smiling "No sex for 1 month baby. You bleed badly earlier"

"Did a bleed?"

"Yes you bleed" I didn't speak and just eat. I'm done eating so im going to give the plate to Chanyeol but he busy with his phone i wonder what he's doing. I slowly peek from his back and i was quite shock because he is watching porn and it's not a big deal to me and his junior is big i just ignore it and pinch Chanyeol "Yah! Why did you pinch me!?"

"You're watching porn without my permission!"

"It's not a big deal Baek"

"I don't care!" I just give the plate to him and he leave the room. When he leave i started blushing Why im blushing watching porn it's not a big deal. I just hid my face under the pillow and try to sleep but i cant. I try to walk but it really hurt "Argh fuck" I curse as i fell down. Chanyeol appeared and rushed to me "Are you okay?" He said to me and he's eyes are teary "W-why are you crying?"

"Ah um this...... I'm just cutting onions. I'm going to cook some foods so we can eat later" He said and lift me to the bed "Just wait here Baek don't stand ok" I nod and he leave

After an hour he finally came back "where have you been?" I said to Chanyeol but Chanyeol just ignore me "Hey! I said where have you been!?"

"Oh sorry i didn't hear you im so tired cleaning the house"

"Oh im sorry to don't worry it's ok" I just lay and sleep

Chanyeol's POV

Baekhyun fell asleep. I just watched him sleeping/snoring "Hehe what a cute guy" I said and hug him tightly "Baekhyun im sorry for wrecking your ass i didn't meant it i just get carried away im sorry Baek im sure tomorrow your ass is ok good night" I kiss his cheeks and sleep to


I woke up and yawn "God that was a nice dream" I forgot that Baekhyun is besides me and still sleeping "What a cute bunny" I get off the bed and start brushing. In the middle of brushing i hear Baekhyun is yawning "Baek are you awake?"


"Is your ass ok"

"Fuck you of course yes!" I just laughed and get out in the bathroom. Baekhyun is about to leave in the room but i grab his wrists and hug him "I'm sorry Baek for destroying your ass"

"It's ok it's my fault" He hug back and we eat down stairs

We are now in the SMtown and start working. As usual there are so many meetings and im tired of this shit "Argh im so tired of meetings"

"But you need to attend" Baekhyun said "Im just tired Baek"

"I know but you need to this to have a money. No money No food" I just nod and attend the mother fucking meeting

The meeting is done and finally im going home "Thank god it's done"

"What ever" Baekhyun just walk fast and enter to the car. We arrived in the house and lay on the bed "Jizz im so tired"

"All of us are tired Chanyeol. You know we should watch movie"

"Yeah thats a great idea"

We peacefully watched movie and when it's done we sleep

Hi (●'◡'●)ノ
So this is short and im tired to because of school "Damn school i hope my school suspend tomorrow" Ok bye and did you remember that i said im going to release 5 chapter. I lied im only releasing 2 so bye see you on next chapter
Ps pls don't get mad on me

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