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If he was honest, Danny hadn‘t actually been paying all that much attention to his homework in the first place, and the knock on the door was a welcome nudge back into the real world. He answered the timid call of his younger sister with a “Sure, come in,“ throwing his phone onto the desk next to him a little too carelessly. (Tucker would have cringed painfully, had he seen it.) Once the girl had stepped into the room, she awkwardly closed the door on the third try, muttering sheepishly, “I don‘t think I‘ll ever get the hang of your door.”

Danny grimaced, mind flashing back to the week prior and remembering a particularly uncomfortable encounter between his shoulder blade and the door handle. “Eh, don’t worry about it. I’ve been having trouble closing it, too. Crashed into it last week...”

His sister had the decency to half-swallow her laughter and Danny couldn’t bring himself to mind. “Someone throw you or did you just go too fast again and forgot to slow down in time?” It was only then he noticed that she had been avoiding eye contact from the moment she’d entered. Also, she was obviously stalling by asking him about the door incident. (He may have been telling this to himself as an excuse not to dwell on it. It had been quite embarrassing.)

Therefore, he decided to ignore the question. Shifting in his seat he tried to do what Jazz would have suggested and sat in what he deemed a casual and inviting position. “So, what’s up? Anything I can help with? Or are you just here for some quality sibling time?” he grinned at her and was pleased to receive a smile in return though his sister still wasn’t looking straight at him.

She shuffled across the room, ending up slightly perched on the edge of his bed. It struck him as odd how tense and careful she was behaving, when usually she’d barge in and claim whatever space as her own, whether that be sprawled on the bed, floor or him. Her fingers played with an annoying fold on the sheets and her voice was strained when she spoke up, “I kind of need to talk to you.”

Despite having expected something to be up by now, he felt his expression shift into one of surprise, though he fought to keep it as friendly as possible. They may be inseparable already and he knew his sister trusted him as he trusted her, but this new family dynamic was still relatively foreign to all of them. Considering their youngest addition’s backstory, Danny wanted there to be no hints of hostility at all. “Alright, what do you want to talk about?”

Danny watched his sister visibly steel herself, taking a deep, grounding breath before daring to speak. He was having a difficult time trying to recall a moment he had ever seen her this nervous to talk to him, aside from when she’d been unsure if he’d rather they call each other cousins still or if he’d be willing to call her his sister. (Actually, he thought that might have been mild in comparison, still.) “Um,” He waited patiently, gave her time to bring an order into the stammering thoughts she was fighting to fit into a phrase. “So, uh, I have been thinking, and I didn’t know how to tell you, ‘cause I don’t want to, um, hurt your feelings, I guess,” She cut off, pulling a face, as though she had been rehearsing this and was only just realizing that it sounded strange. “It’s nothing against you, I mean- ugh…”

“Hey, it’s alright, take your time.” Danny slowly got up from his desk chair, deliberately taking long enough to give her the chance to give any signs that she didn’t want him to come closer. When none showed up, Danny let himself sink into the mattress right next to her, nudging her arm and smiling reassuringly. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I love you, there’s nothing you could say to change that, okay?” (If he was sounding like his mom, he didn’t mind it all that much if it meant his sister was feeling comfortable.)

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