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"So, where to next Mr. Fett?"

He sighed.

"Since I stormed out so quickly, I didn't have time to ask Jabba about another job. We're going to have to find someone else."

"Alright, who?"

"Have you ever been to Naboo?"

I laughed.

"Never! Are we going there?"

I tried to hide my excitement. The things I had heard about Naboo were lovely.

"I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't taking you there."

He smacked the side of my helmet.

"Would I?"

I laughed again.

"You're right."

"Naboo is kinda far away so this is going to be a bit of a long ride."

I shrugged.

"I've got good company. We're good on food, right/"

He nodded.

"We've got enough for a month, and Naboo is much less than a month away."

He put the ship in autopilot after entering the coordinates to Naboo.

"And now we wait..."

Hostage - Boba Fett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now