Stranger Part 3

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Stranger 😐 Part 3
Demi walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. 'Hm.' "What?" 'You like the bachelorette too?' "Yeah it's fun and interesting." She looked over at you surprised. "Want pizza?" 'You surprise me every minute! Yes!' "Alright awesome." You ordered pizza. You sat back down. "It'll be here in 30 min." 'Ok cool.' You guys watched the rest of the episode yelling at the tv. You changed the channel to the history channel and watched ghost hunters. 'Do you believe?' "In what? Ghosts? Fuck yea!" 'Me too! Hold on.....aliens?' "Ummmm duh!" 'Oh my god yes!' *ding dong* you got up and Demi followed. 'Your total is $22.75.' Demi grabbed her purse. "Don't worry I got it." 'No I'll pay.' "Really it's fine." 'Here.' She handed you $20. You took it and threw it on the floor. You handed the delivery guy $50 and closed the door. 'That was a big tip.' "I've been where he's at....he mostly lives off tips so when I get pizza I tip well." 'How nice of you.' "I try my best." You guys sat down and ate.
Demi's POV
Wow he/she is such a good person! I can't believe that we have so much in common and like the same things. "Hey y/n...." 'Yeah?' "Do you like the beach?" 'Do dolphins live in the water?' You laughed. "How would you like to go to bora bora?" 'For what?' "Our....'honeymoon.'" 'I have work I can't just drop everything.' "Well you can quit and go back in 6 months....I can support you till this arrangement is over." 'Uhhhh idk.' "Oh cmon why not?!" 'Okay fuck it let's go!' "Cool we'll leave tomorrow!" 'Okay I'll go home and pack!' Y/n left. You called your mom. "Hey mom." 'Hey hun what's up?' "I just wanted to call and say that me and y/n are going to bora bora for a few weeks." 'OoOoOoOoOohhhh honeymoon!' "Ugh Whatever were just going for fun." 'Sure okay hun have fun!' "Bye." You hung up. You packed a bag and just kept thinking to yourself what if this was meant to be? Y/n is nice, kind, sweet and funny. Who knows....maybe y/n is the one? Only time will tell....
You left to go to your house. 'Wow Demi's kind of a fun person.' You thought to yourself. She's nice. And we like the same shows. We like the same food. I kinda like her. I mean she's absolutely drop dead gorgeous too. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. You got home packed a bag for one week. You didn't know how long you were going for but whatever it'll be fun. You drove back to Demi's. You knocked. She opened the door. 'I'll have to get you a key.' "If that's okay with you?" 'Well we are married so I guess it'll just be something to get used to.' "Yeah for sure." You put your bag down. 'That's all your taking?' "Well i don't know how long we're going soooo." 'It's fine you can get clothes there.' "Okay." You guys sat back on the couch. 'So y/n I never asked you....' "what's up?" 'What do you do for a living....or should I say....did for a living?' You chuckled. "I'm a personal trainer." 'Oh really?' "Yup." 'That's cool cause I love to work out!' "Oh cool!" 'Yeah we can be workout buds.' "Sure sounds like fun." You guys sat for a couple of minutes. "What do you do Demi?" 'Me? For work?' "Yeah." 'I'm a singer.' "Oh cool!" She squinted at you. 'You already knew that huh.' "Yes I did haha I like your music." 'Well at least you like it.' You guys laughed. You looked at the time. "Well I'm going to go to sleep....long day tomorrow." 'Good idea.' You grabbed a blanket and went to the couch. You laid down. "Goodnight." 'Goodnight.' Demi turned the lights off and walked upstairs....

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