Stranger Part 2

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Stranger 😐 Part 2
You drove home. You arrived at your house and there was a car in your driveway. You walked up and tapped the window. "Um hi....are you lost do you need some directions?" 'Oh hi you must be y/n.' The door opened and a beautiful woman stepped out. "Um yes....yes I am." You put your hand out to shake hers. She shook your hand. 'I'm Demetria.....Demi for short.' "Ooohhhh that's why your here...." 'um yeah I kind of wanted to get to know you before I spend the next 6 months with someone I barely know....' "6 months?" 'Oh yeah.....our arranged marriage has a minimum 6 month period to try and make the marriage work and by then we can divorce.....I'm guessing you were forced in too?' "Um yeah I just found out we're getting married tomorrow....." 'yeah me too....this is so stupid!' "That's something we can agree on." 'So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?' "Um yeah it was nice to meet was nice of you to stop by." You walked away and walked inside. 'She seems nice.' But of course you were still upset at the fact you were marrying a stranger you've now met once. But she did look and sound familiar..... You went to your room and looked at your phone. Your mom called 5 times. Your dad once. Guessing mom made him call me. But Mrs. de la Garza called. You called her back. 'Hello?' "Hi Mrs. de la Garza, it's y/n." 'Oh hi.' "Hi. So you called me? Did you need something?" 'Um well I wanted to let you know that my a celebrity.' "Okay? Like what kind of celebrity? Like a big one? Or just starting out?" 'She's Demi Lovato.' You stood stunned. 'How could I have not seen this?! Of course! It all makes sense!' You thought to yourself. 'I know it's a lot to take In y/n but I'm just letting you know to be ready.' "Ready for what?" 'Oh you'll see.' She hung up and you got ready for bed. You were so confused and anxious about the wedding. You tossed and turned till finally you fell asleep. You probably slept 5 hours on and off and woke up to the sun rising. You got up and took a shower. You got dressed and made breakfast. You ate and sat on the couch to watch tv. Your phone rang. 'Mom.' "Ugh!" You answered. "Hey mom." 'There you are finally!' "Whats up?" 'It's your wedding day! We have things to do!' "" 'Yes now! I'm coming over!' She hung up. You put your head back and groaned. You cleaned up and your mom arrived. You guys got ready and went to the church. "I can't believe I'm doing this." 'You'll thank me.....Demetria is a treasure!' "Mmhhhmm." You walked into the church. You saw Demi already at the alter. "Wait were starting now?!" 'Yes why not?!' "Oh my god mom!" You walked up. You unveiled her. She looked amazing. "Wow you're very beautiful." She rolled her eyes. 'Thanks....lets get this over with.' You guys went through the ceremony. 'And do you y/n take Demetria devonne lovato to be your lawfully wedded wife?' You looked back you your parents. "I do." The pastor asked Demi. 'Yes.' 'You May kiss the bride!' You pecked Demi on the lips. You guys walked out and headed to Demi's house. "Soooo where's our honeymoon?" 'I don't know and I really don't care!' "Wow dude." 'Look no offense but I wasn't looking to be married at 26! And definitely not to someone I barely know!' "Look I'm right there with you but we have 6 months we can stand each other for 6 months!" 'Whatever!' You guys arrived at her house. She opened the door and stormed to her door. You picked her up. "Shall we?!" You opened the door and carried her in. 'Put me down!' You laughed. 'Oh you think it's funny!' You heard scratching on the floor. You saw 2 dogs running towards you. "Oh my god! Dogs!" You pet them. 'Well at least you like dogs.....the black one is Batman....and the white one is my baby Ella.' "Oh hi Ella! You're so cute! Hello Batman! I love your mustache!!!" You got up and looked at Demi. You shrugged. She walked away. You sat on the couch and watched tv.....

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