Making Freinds or even better

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I burst out the office and Boris ran after me,"hey... at least freinds?", he asked," uh... okay,freinds. Sorry for bursting out like that, im just confused about this really",i apoligized,"its fine, let me show you your room" he offered. "Sure", i mummbled.

As we walked silentley to my room, or what i thought was my room. "Here we are", he opened the door and inside it looked more like a room that someone was already living in.

"Um ,you sure this is my room?" I asked as he turned to me," yup! We gotta share a room only cause the staff have most of them." He smirked as he pushed me in,"unpack your stuff and put it in that cabenet besides your bed, okay?" He said as he closed the door.

After i unpacked, i went to look for Boris. I walked to the entrance and Boris was sitting on a bench looking around." Boris! Over here!" I yelled as he turned to my direction. "Hey Shiro! I was waiting! Where ya been?"he said as i came to me." Uh looking for you! Where have you been?" I said as he walked towards the rides and i followed." Im gonna give ya a tour of the park so you dont get lost like that miserable Ace", he said as he started telling me where was whatever and he showed me all the secret exits he knew and some places that were great for hiding.

"That was fun! Im lucky im here!" I said as i ran to one of the secret spots with Boris. Later, he showed me his secret hide-out. It was deep in the forest but once we got there, it was totally worth it. There was a small pond and a cave hidden behind a curtain of vines. The little pond had a few cat fish(my favorite) and the moonlight reflected off of the water's surface.
We climbed in the cave and sat on the ground.
"Boris, you gave me the most funnest day of my life.... thank you so much", i said as he turned and only smiled,"your welcome"

"Boris, is something bothering you?"i asked as his smiled turned into a frown," are bothering me. You are my replacement! How can i not be bothered! Now allot of people think im dead but im not! Its weird and horrid that you know who's going to be here after you die..." he said and stared at the pond.

"Maybe im supposed to be here..." i mumbled," what do you mean, Shiro?" He looked at me like i was crazy." Maybe im supposed to be here! Maybe the rules changed.... maybe there is supposed to be two of us... or maybe... im just a mistake"i frowned at the ending of what i said.

"You could never be a mistake.... you are wonderful... your as pretty as the day i met you..."he said. I looked at him in shock. "What d-did you say?! We just met! You cant like me!" I yelled as i stood up. "Ding ding! Correct!" He said as he got up, walked over to me, and kissed me. I was speechless, someone i just met was stealing the moment of my first kiss.

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