Chapter 18 Cowabunga~.

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Art by Chochi...

This is a Lemon chapter you have been warned/Informed

A/N: There that should keep them quiet for a while.

Chibi Michelle: Jeez what did you do?

A/N: Just a "Little" ruffing up.

*Comedic cut to Chibi A/N, Chibi Fluffy, and Chibi DC covered in bruises while washing the bathroom with their tooth brush's before cutting back*

Chibi Michelle: Well whatever the case, there's still on thing that needs to be done.

A/N: Let me guess...

Both Chibi Michelle and A/N: We still haven't heard Cowabunga yet!

A/N: Don't worry I was just saving it.

Chibi Michelle: Better! Or I'm going to buy so many pizzas with your credit card!

*A/N sighing*

A/N: Let's get this started then...

(Y/N): Why did you drag me here?

You asked as you sat down on the couch while Michelle was trying to turning on the TV in a particularly interesting manner as she had her butt raised right in your face which caused you to blush a bit, however your little friend didn't respond as it remained limp and as you were staring at her rump she was staring at your crotch seeing if she even needed the Drink she wiped up " Looks like I got to go with plan B! " she thought as she turned the TV on.

Michelle: I just want to play a game with you... Honest~.

You noticed she said honest with a slight coo as she sight right next to you and picked up a controller(An original Xbox) and handed it to you and you grabbed it and easily wiled it in your hand's which surprised her as she didn't think you were the gaming type " Oh! This makes things interesting~! " she thought as you looked at her wonder what you two are going to do next.

(Y/N): So what are we playing?

You asked and she giggled as she pulled out a game your all to familiar with Halo 2.

Michelle: Since you're so familiar with gaming I propose a challenge.

She said and you chuckled as you knew what she was going to say.

(Y/N): Before any challenges are made, let me show you what I can do on that game.

You said with the up most confidence which surprised her even more, but it did give her an idea as to how she was going to give you the drink she prepared for you.

Michelle: Alight, then by all means take the wheel dude!

She said excited to see what you can do on Halo 2 and for you to get a taste of her, surprise and she put the disk in wondering what your going to do.

30 minutes later...

Michelle: How are you already in mission four on legendary! I can barely make it through mission one on that difficulty!

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