Chapter 27 Family Trouble

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Chibi A/N: So... Uh... Have you found A/N yet?

Chibi Splinter: No not yet, but we're trying our-

A/N: *Comes out a portal wearing strange armor.* *Pant pant* Ok I should be clear!

Chibi A/N: Where were you!? I was worried to death!

A/N: First, Thank you for worrying for me, Second I was transported to a really weird world where I had a dolphin gun.

Chibi Splinter: Well "Dolphin gun" is certainly new to me.

Chibi A/N: Wait... Did you get transported to-

A/N: Yes... *Pant* Can we start the chapter now?

Chibi A/N: *Sigh* Fine! Just don't do that again.

A/N: I'll try to, but enough about that... Let's start the chapter...

The Turtles were training within the dojo and as Racheal continues to punched a concrete post with enough force to cause it to start cracking and when Leona noticed she let out a sigh and walked over towards her while Michelle and Donna were sparing.

Leona: Maybe you should take a break, Racheal.

She stated trying to at least give Racheal enough time to apply some new bandages, however, Racheal seemingly ignored her and continued to punch the post which had a few fist-sized indents with a bit of blood within it.

Leona: Racheal...

She said hoping that she could get Racheal's attention, but Racheal seemingly ignored again and continued to bloody her hands on the concrete post which had a sizable dent.

Leona: Racheal.

Her voice started to have an annoyed tone which Racheal yet again seemingly ignored and the rebar within the post began to show.

Leona: RACHEAL!!!

She shouted finally getting her sister's attention... As well as Michelle and Donna's who jumped when Leona shouted making them stop sparing with each other and causing Michelle to comedically fall over as she was in the middle of a kick.

Racheal: What!?

She finally answered with an annoyed tone which definitely agitated Leona a bit.

Leona: What is your problem!?

Racheal had an angered look on her face after she said that " Oh no... " Donna thought while Michelle got up with a bit of a wide-eyed look on her face.

Racheal: I don't have a problem!

She angrily retorted as Michelle and Donna watched in complete shock " I wish I had some popcorn... Or a Pizza slice. " Michelle thought wanting something to eat while she was watching her sister's fight

Leona: This is about (Y/N) isn't it!?

" Oh, this is going to get worse... " Donna thought as she saw Racheal's face contort into an even angrier expression.

Racheal: What do you even see in him!? He's the brother of our enemy, and you aren't suspicious of him!? For all we know he could be a Foot clan assassin sent here to kill us!

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