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"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It honestly wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. I should've let him do it a long time ago." Naida lamented.

Lionfish put his arm around her shoulder, and she didn't bother fighting it, in fact, it felt nice. She had spent the last month staying with them, distancing herself emotionally from them in fear that she might catch feelings. Who in their right mind wouldn't catch feelings for shirtless hot mermen who already have fallen for you? Though it indeed kept her from falling for them, it had probably hurt them, knowing that they had also no chance of even touching her in any semi-romantic way, such as hugging or hand-holding.

That old, stubborn, selfish Naida was gone. From now on, she would be more kind, compassionate, and caring towards the very people who have been bending over backward for her. So what if she fell in love with them? It's not like she could ever live without them anyway. And if she ever got her life back on land, she could just as easily start dating Bowen again, since he can't even see the mermen. Why hadn't she seen the opportunities like this before? Why had she waisted all that time blocking out all the love in her life?

"I need my gift's reapplied." She stated and touched her throat with two fingers. Over time, she was able to go a little longer between each time she received her gifts, and her body had started giving her signs that they were wearing off, instead of starting to shut down when they did. The signs were sore throat and eyes, and a slight ringing in the ears.

"I'll go get Shark and Ray then, and make sure they got Krait successfully locked in his room." Lionfish responded and swam out of the room.

Naida was happy they were so willing to keep her safe. They had recently installed doors, even though they saw them as kinda bothersome and left them open most of the time anyway, for the sole purpose of Naida's safety. Though, she never understood why doors on their rooms would keep her safe until now when she had seen just what the full moon did to them.

Naida watched him go, the gears in her head-turning. She needed to atone for all the trouble she had caused them, and the very best way she could imagen doing that is to let them do what they were made to do, but to suddenly jump from no romance to all of them having their way with her was just too much. Maybe the day after tomorrow, when the full moon had set and they had complete control over themselves again, she would pick one of the mermen and finally let them have what they've longed for since before she even met them.

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