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Mana continued onward, dodging around sharks and fish, turtles and eels, rays and jellies, until she neared the formation and entered a small opening hidden between many growths of fan coral. Lobsters and crabs scuttled out of their way as Mana carried her forth through the tunnel. Naida hadn't bothered fighting against her at all, after all, what good would it do? It's not like she knew where she was, or what to do if she freed herself.

Mana navigated the tunnels with expert memorization, the water grew warmer, hotter even, the deeper they traveled. Mana swam and swam, strangely quiet considering how she had recently mentioned that she loves chatting. Perhaps, it was best to stay silent in a place like this.

Suddenly a huge opening yawned out in front of them and Mana swam a little faster to enter; Naida flinched as soon as they did, the water was officially hot, and if she were above water she would be sweating.

Eddies washed across Naida's skin as a mermaid with squid tentacles instead of a tail swam past her. Two others, a female siren with dark skin and a black tail and a male merman with pinkish skin and a red snapper tail, ushered past them, adorned with bottles tied to ropes that hung loosely around their torsos and carrying armfuls of small boxes and chests in their arms.

The further into the room they swam, the more merfolk and sirens they encountered, all of which were eerily silent.

Naida opened her mouth to ask a question, then thought better of it and closed it again. She felt oddly suffocated, what with the combination of the clammy water and close proximation with Mana, which only added to her uncomfort that was already building up thanks to the odd vibe this place gave off.

The walls of the room were smooth and round with no corners but pockmarked with many holes which were busy with merfolk and sirens traveling in and out of them, yet, the room was much smaller than the outside was, so this had to be just one of many rooms.

Naida had to press herself somehow even closer against Mana as she entered a tight tunnel that was clearly only meant for one merfolk or siren at a time.

"Where are you taking me?" Naida finally spoke up, unable to bear the suspense any longer.

Mana slapped a hand over Naida's mouth and carried on with her silent swim. Naida grumbled in disagreement but didn't give another attempt.

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