Chapter 3/movie night

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Authors note thank you for who ever is reading this it may not be good but thanks comment to let me know what you think your opinions matter to me. Enjoy the chapter.
So after officially meeting 1D we decided to have a movie night. Niall and I got popcorn and stuff to drink. While zoé and Harry got blankets and the rest of them picked the movie. "I really hope they don't pick a scary movie" I say to Niall "don't worry if they do I'll protect you" Niall says to me I blush a slight pink color, I hope he doesn't notice it. "Thanks" is all I can say.
I can't believe I just said that, I can't believe she blushed when I said that. Does that mean that she likes me, no it couldn't.
Louis says they picked a movie. "Which one?" I ask the "purge" OMG I thought I'm gunna die what am I gunna do? I thought oh wait Niall is gonna protect me. once the movie is done I feel like I am going to have nightmares. "Well that was a good film" louis says I am still frozen(authors note see what I did there)"how about a game of truth of dare" Harry said. "Y-yea o-ok" I said shakily. "I'LL GO FIRST" Louis yells "umm.. Taylor truth or dare" Louis asks me "truth" i say "ok is it true that u were born and raised in mullingar?" "Yes it is true" I say proudly. "Ok my turn umm.. zoé truth or dare?" "Umm... dare." "I dare you to.. kiss Harry for 1 WHOLE MINUTE." I say they blushed but they did it. "Ok Niall truth or dare?"zoé say "Dare" "i dare you to kiss Taylor for 2 whole MINUTES. I blushed like crazy and I think I saw a faint one on Niall's cheacks we kissed and I know this is cheesy but I felt sparks but then Liam coughed. Why didn't he do that to zoé and Harry.
Sitting here watching Taylor kiss Niall was so hurtful. So when 2 minutes passed I decided to cough to indicate that they were finished with the dare. This is going to be a long week.

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