☽╭──━━┓Golden Deer Moon┏━━━─╮☾

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╭─━┓A tragic Past┏━─╮

Perched high on the massive branches of a magnificent Wisteria tree, I found myself captivated by the enchanting sight of the boundless sea that encircled the small island where our humble monastery stood. Here, hidden away from the rest of the world, we were compelled to uncover and conceal, to immerse ourselves in the ancient art known as the Elemental Dance.

Within the sanctuary of the monastery, we sought refuge under the watchful and unwavering guidance of the Mother Superior. Her presence commanded respect, and her generous curves exuded an air of authority. Cascading like a waterfall, her long, lustrous raven-black hair nearly brushed the ground, while carefully gathered locks formed an elegant and unconventional hairstyle, adding a touch of allure to her appearance.

Her attire, fashioned from pure Indachian silk, draped gracefully around her figure, accentuating her strong and commanding presence. A Jade-adorned belt embraced her waist, subtly drawing attention to her ample bosom, which was supported by delicate silk ribbons that gracefully wrapped around her neck and trailed down her back. The color of her attire mirrored that of the Wisteria flowers, as if she were an embodiment of nature's beauty itself. Her eyes, a mesmerizing hue of deep violet, held a captivating depth, a rarity that seemed to reflect the mysteries of the cosmos. A straight nose and delicately contoured lips completed her features, adding an air of regality to her countenance.

A long, flowing cloak, descending all the way to her hips, was adorned with a hood of equal length, granting her an aura of both mystery and grandeur. The sight of her, dressed in this way, inspired some to liken her to a goddess, while others regarded her with a hint of envy. However, within the walls of the monastery, we had no choice but to accept her for who she was, as it was through her steadfast guidance that we continued to find meaning and purpose in our secluded existence.

And as for me? My feelings towards her were conflicted and complex, for she represented not only strength and protection but also the reminder of a painful past—a past of loss and heartache that I struggled to reconcile within myself.

As a cool breeze rustled the leaves, causing the blossoms of the colossal tree to sway gently, the soothing scent of the sea enveloped the air, providing a sense of calmness and serenity. Nature's embrace was a comfort that I often sought during moments of turmoil.

Abruptly, the soft tranquility was interrupted by the faint sound of footsteps approaching through the grass, and I turned swiftly, my senses on high alert.

"Havne, my dear..."

The Mother Superior's voice reached me, as composed and melodious as ever.

"Are you still here, all alone? You know it's almost time for dinner..."

Her words were a gentle reminder, a reassurance of her watchful care. The affectionate tone in her voice was akin to a tender lullaby that could calm the most restless of souls.

"Come, let us go..."

She said, extending her hand toward me.


I hesitated, lost in my thoughts and emotions.

"Please, I beg of you, allow me a little more time here to observe the horizon," I implored, my eyes threatening to betray the tears that welled within.

My past was no idyllic tale, but one fraught with tragedy and hardship. I lost my mother at the tender age of six. On a day painted with autumn's warm hues, we were strolling through the forest, gathering the seasonal Stagne fruit. Out of nowhere, an imposing figure with narrow eyes appeared, a hunter from the Capital—a hunter of elves like us. In this world, our existence was met with disdain, for our ancestors had channeled the forbidden element, marking us with a stain that time could not erase.

The hunter demanded my mother reveal her pointed ears, a clear sign of her elven heritage, and once they were exposed, her fate was sealed. He sought to claim the reward and honor of having brought down one of our kind. As my mother bravely defended herself, a fierce battle ensued. I watched in horror, frozen by fear, as she urged me to flee, to escape the danger that threatened our lives.

But I couldn't.

In a heart-wrenching twist of fate, the hunter delivered several devastating blows to my mother, leaving her bleeding and weakened. In a desperate effort to protect me, she summoned the last of her strength and encased both herself and the hunter within an unyielding rock barrier, shielding us from further harm. The outcome of that fateful encounter remains unknown to this day.

Before I could even process the tragedy that had befallen us, a wild-looking woman with fiery red tresses leaped onto the elemental prison my mother had created. She scrutinized me with a predatory gaze, wielding twin gleaming axes with deadly proficiency. Her intent was clear—she sought my life.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I fled through the forest, her blazing locks trailing behind her like flames dancing in the wind. I emerged from the woods into the open, defenseless and exposed. I was sure my end had come.

The woman sprang into the air, her intent to descend upon me and deliver the final, fatal blow. But in a miraculous turn of events, I tapped into the elemental power that coursed through my veins, mimicking my mother's movements. With a surge of earth's energy, I conjured a small elevation just in time to save myself. Her axes narrowly missed cleaving through the solid ground, and bewilderment flickered across her face, replaced by a wicked grin. The battle of survival seemed lost, and I closed my eyes, ready to embrace my inevitable demise, yearning to reunite with my mother and embrace her one last time.

However, fate had other plans.

In that moment of despair, a savior emerged. Lady Butterfly, as she was known, intervened, rescuing me from the clutches of death and sparing me from a fate that seemed all but certain.

As a strong gust of wind swirled around us, I was pulled back to reality, focusing my gaze on the comforting figure of the Mother Superior, whose tender and warm embrace enveloped me like a protective shield.

"You no longer require it."

Her voice held a soothing assurance as she moved back slightly, her perpetual maternal smile gracing her alabaster countenance.

With a gentle touch, she lowered my hood, the weight of her words sinking into my very being.

"I know who you are, Havne. I know your worth, and I know that you are worth more than any other being in this world. Never forget that."

The wind continued to sway her long, raven-black tresses like a living curtain, as though nature itself was acknowledging her divine presence.

Once more, she extended her hand to me as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a tapestry of colors across the sky. I could do naught but accept her invitation, grateful for her guidance and the camaraderie of my fellow companions within the monastery—companions who had become my family in this secluded haven of solace and discovery.

Tales of Anima.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora