Why are you here?

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Before I even get a chance to knock on the door he's standing in front of me. He smiles at me, and I hesitantly walk into his open arms. Smile and a hug. This may go better than I hoped.

He invites me inside and takes my coat, hanging it in the closet for me while I look around. The house is small, but it's well-kept and decorated much like I remember him wanting our house to look when we were young. There are video games and dolls and other toys that indicate the presence of children.

"They're all asleep..." He explains unnecessarily. His hand runs through his curls nervously, and I know he has no idea what I'm doing here or what to say.

"Well, it's after midnight..."

"That it is. Can I get you anything? Wine? Tea?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Can we go sit down?"

"Of course," he says, acting like it was something he hadn't thought of.

We sit side by side on the couch, and my mind races, trying to come up with the right questions. He hasn't asked why I'm here yet. I don't think I really know the answer to that question, so it's just as well.

"You look really good, Stevie."

"Thank you. It's good to see you, Lindsey. You kind of disappeared on us."

"The kids and I needed a new start."

"A new start?"

"It was too much after she left."

"She... left? What happened, Lindsey?"

"I've spent the last few years trying to figure that out," he says, a sad little laugh escaping. "I came home one day and her things were gone. We never saw her again."

"She left her kids?" He nods, his eyes finally meeting mine. "Lindsey, I'm so sorry."

"We are doing pretty well here. Stella will be four in April."

I smile at him and squeeze his hand, my heart breaking for them. "You're doing all of this by yourself?"

"Of course I am. I'm both parents now," he says. "I get a little help with the cooking and cleaning, but I'm pretty much a full-time dad now."

"Why didn't you tell anybody?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. "It seemed easier than admitting that I ran my wife off."

"What could you possibly have done to run her off?" I'm trying not to get angry now. It's probably not helpful. I just can't imagine a mother leaving her children.

"I spent our entire marriage in love with someone else. I'm sure that wasn't easy to live with." He laces his fingers through mine and strokes the back of my hand, but he's carefully avoiding my eyes now.

"Oh, Lindsey."

"I'm really glad that you found me. Do you need to stay here tonight?"

I hadn't even thought about finding a hotel. This is why I have an assistant. "Well, I didn't book anything," I say sheepishly.

"I would love for you to stay here. We can talk more tomorrow after I get the kids off to school." I'm only now realizing how exhausted he looks. I probably pulled him out of a dead sleep. We stand up and head for the stairs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up."

"No, don't apologize. I'm glad that you came. Why are you here?" He stops and turns to me, his expression curious.

"I guess I missed you. I needed to know that you were okay." It's the most honest answer I can get him. He seems satisfied.

"The guest room is a bit of a mess," he says apologetically. "I'll need to make the bed. If you want to start getting ready..."

"I don't want to seem forward, but it isn't like you and I haven't shared a bed before. You look exhausted. I don't want to keep you up."

"I would actually like the company," he admits, hugging me. I smile and follow him into his room.

He sets my bags down and grabs some clothes to change in to. "Make yourself at home," he says gesturing around the room.

"Thank you."

We both change and get ready for bed and I'm struck by how natural it feels. I don't feel like I have to hide anything. He's in bed reading as I emerge from the bathroom, and I giggle a little.

"What?" He looks at me over the top of his glasses.

"You just... this life suits you, Lindsey."

"Get over here," he says, and I crawl in beside him. He holds my hand and I lay on my side and watch him, not really sure what to do. Finally, he turns off the light and lays down. "Good night, Stevie."

"Good night, Lindsey." I roll over and close my eyes, smiling to myself as I feel him cuddle up to me.

"I have to wake up at five. I'll try not to disturb you."

"Do whatever you need to do. Wake me up after you drop the kids off?"

"Mmhmm," he says, already drifting off.

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