Chapter Three- Fuck off

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Virgil walked away from all this, he didn't want to explain, explanation = drama and he hated drama.
"Virgil?.." Patton mumbled, he didn't want to force his dark strange son yet he as well wanted answers. Virgil frowned as he went into his room, the cold air touched his cheeks, he sighed.

Virgil sat down on his bed, feeling the stress slowly leaving his body, he smiled a little as he relaxed.
"...Damian.. If only if you treated me well.." Virgil mumbled, he remembered the things that Deceit had done to him, it honestly scared and made Virgil despise him. He could never think of Deceit the same loving boyfriend.

A knock approached Virgil, his head sped up, he glared, Is it Roman? Patton?.. Logan? Virgil thought to himself
  "Come in" Virgil sighed, he bit his tongue, seeing it's Patton. Virgil lightened up as he slightly smiled.

  "Hey Dad" Virgil mumbled out.  Patton went up to Virgil and hugged the anxious male
  "You seem stressed.. you want to talk about it?" Patton asked as he is frowning.


"It's all my fault!" Deceit cried out as he held onto Remus tightly.  Remus shushed Deceit, trying to make the deceitful male feel better, Remus huffed, feeling useless, he hated whenever Deceit was sad. Virgil was always the one to help out.

   "I-I'm sorry- I just- ugh fuck!.." Deceit yelled out, he started sobbing once more, now pushed Remus away from his grip.
   "It's okay Damian.." Remus whispered out. Feeling even more stressed, he just wished Virgil would come back.

""I should have never harmed him- I shoul- I should have- I-" Deceit gasped out for air but he couldn't, Remus eyes widen in surprise and worry grew even more
   "OH MY GOD- DAMIAN OH SHIT BREATHE" Remus yelled out as he panicked as well.


"Please leave Patton.." Virgil growled, feeling the sudden annoyance, Patton frowned.
   "No young!-" Patton was cut off by Virgil's sudden out burst
  "FUCK OFF!" Virgil yelled, he voice sounded much more dislocated, it scared Patton and as well as worry grew.

"Alright.. Virgil.." Patton mumbled as he left, feeling anxious, he frowned.

A/N(Sorry for the short chapter everyone, I'm at school and my pastor said to make at least one new friend and I feel stressed as hell-)


Time taken:around twenty minutes

\\Love Yourself// Sanders Side [Depressed Virgil] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now