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The news of Taeyong and Jennie's upcoming date had spread like wildfire throughout the SM building. When Jennie had went back home the next day, she was met by an interrogation and she had no choice but to confess everything to her members. Jisoo already knew about her arrangement with Kai and had warned her several times that she would end up getting hurt in the end which proved to be true, as expected from the all-knowing Jisoo. But the two maknaes however, were a completely different story, they went absolutely nuts when they found outthat Jennie was hooking up with Kai but sobered up pretty quick as she continued with her story of her confessing her feelings for him and being turned down. Their reactions went from excited to sad and angry and then one of excitement again by the time she was done telling them about her impending date with NCT's leader.

"Taeyong oppa is a great guy unnie, I'm sure he'll treat you right," Chaeyoung had piped in after she was done.

"I still can't believe you have been fucking THE Kai from EXO behind our backs all this time unnie!" Lisa was still dazed.

"Are you okay? I'm beating his ass next time I see him just so you know." Jisoo had said with motherly affection as Jennie laid her head on her lap.

She was glad Jisoo wasn't rubbing the fact that she had been right all this time in Jennie's face or that she was indeed facing the consequences by not listening to her advice and ending up getting hurt as a result. Jennie was really grateful to have her.

Jisoo and her always had a special, unbreakable bond. They just clicked like two peas in a pod even though they couldn't be more different from one another.

Jisoo was warm, friendly, funny and extremely lovable. Anyone that came across her instantly fell in love with her personality after being enamored by her looks. Jennie, on the other hand was much more reserved, she didn't open up to people easily and wasn't the most approachable person. People were intimidated by her and usually steered clear of her referring to her as "the ice princess" when in reality she was just shy and hesitant when initiating conversations.

But she was anything but that around Jisoo. They immediately understood how the other was feeling without the need for any words.

Jisoo could detect the sadness in her eyes and her voice and decided to take matters into her own hands. She couldn't stand seeing her best friend like this. So she grabbed a blanket and covered Jennie's sleeping body with it before taking her phone from the table and stepping out on the balcony for privacy.

She dialed a familiar number and paced back and forth anxiously as she waited for EXO's leader to pick up.

Lisa, on the other hand couldn't contain her excitement about Jennie's date with Taeyong and as a result she had accidentally let it slip in the Thai-line group chat which Ten was also a part of. From there on the news had spread,starting from the NCT dorm where all the members started to endlessly tease an embarrassed Taeyong about scoring a date with the girl of his dreams, to the Red Velvet dorm where Irene was ecstatic and calling Jennie non-stop to confirm the news and finally, the EXO dorm where the atmosphere was quite the opposite.

Junmyeon had been on the phone with a livid Jisoo for over an hour as she filled him in on everything and how Kai had fucked up and broken Jennie's heart. She kept firing threat after threat of the things she would do to Kai to make him pay and Junmyeon tried his best to pacify her, promising that he'd speak to him. After she had hung up, Junmyeon had called for an emergency meeting at their dorm and everyone had dropped everything and rushed from their respective apartments.

They were currently seated around the coffee table in their living room as Junmyeon verbally attacked a shameful Jongin and everyone was finally made aware of the situation. Sehun who had arrived fashionably late as always couldn't help but chime in with his sassy remarks, clearly mad at Jongin for hurting one of his closest friends.

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