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(A/N: so my inspiration for this is DADDY- Mattia Polibio by Mattiaaa🦋 @mxttiaaa please go check out their book it's really amazing)

(A/N: so my inspiration for this is DADDY- Mattia Polibio by Mattiaaa🦋 @mxttiaaa please go check out their book it's really amazing)

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-are a shy girl
-has one best friend
-gets bullied by Mattia (and his friends but mostly Mattia) since sophomore year

-bullies y/n (a lot)
-made his friends join in bullying y/n
-basically a fuck boy

Dear Journal,

High school is so hard with Mattia Polibio bullying me and now he has gotten his friends to bully me to telling stuff like how ugly I look, how fat I am. And honestly I got way more self-conscious of myself and I really don't want to go to school but I know my mom would never let me. But at least I can go to my best friend's house her name is Alexa she is a lovable person she always defends me when Mattia or one of his friends bully me but that's just the it's been since sophomore year. But I have well kinda a crush on Mattia but at the same time I HATE it when he bullies me. So see you later Journal.

Love, y/n

Ugh I hate school.

You walk in to the school and found your friend Alexa waiting for you. You greeted her with a hug.

A- How are you?
Y- ohh I'm great! Ugh we have that stupid math test.
A- Yeah. I can't wait to go home already
Y- Same

Then you and Alexa saw Mattia and his group of friends walking up to you.

Y- ohh shit
A- umm you want to walk over there*she says pointing at a hallway*
Y- uhh yeah

Both of you walk quick to the hallway. But Mattia walked way faster and caught up to you guys.

M- Were do you think you're going nerds
A- None of your business

Alexa pulls you to walk but Mattia pulls your book bag. Causing you to fall back.

Alexa went to help you up.
M- oh is your girlfriend help you out
A- oh that's it

Alexa starts punching and kicking at hit Mattia in the face and in his balls.

Mattia covers his balls. And pushed Alexa. You get up and start breaking them two up. Mattia's friends come over to Mattia to help you break up the fight.

Alejandro- hey Mattia just stop
Kairi- yeah man. You're taking it to far now

(Your thoughts: umm with the words "you're talking it to far" I am shocked that.. did he fake it the whole time and either way I never did anything to make him hate me this way)

M-ugh fine
Mattia glares at you

You and Alexa look back at them and watch them walk away then both of you walked to home room.

(A/N: I hope that you guys enjoyed this I'll try to make the chapters longer. And go check out my book sex slaves of TikTok boys)

BULLY/FUCK BUDDIES- Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now