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I check my phone to see what time it was but I had a bunch of notifications on my social media.

I checked some and some said:

You just want clout

These dms have to be fake or something

She got to be lying

She just did this because she doesn't handle the pain

LMAO she just want attention

And there was more comments like that.

I just want to say the truth and that was my truth. Anyways they were even there. But I just want them to believe me. Mattia is not what it seems. He can be a nice guy on camera and sometimes off camera but he is the worst guy to this Earth.

But I got to go to school and once again see his ugly face. Why Mattia? Out of all the people in that class it has to be Mattia.

~At school~

You didn't see Alexa anywhere so you text her.


Y- Al where are you
Al- sorry I just have a cold
Y- oh at well I hope you get well soon
Al- thank you I'm sorry I didn't came
Y- it's ok I still got Mar

Alright I guess I'm alone for some of my classes.


(2nd period)

I went to change in to my gym shirt and shorts. And went to wait for Mar also for the class to start. Then I feel arms around my waist I turn around and I saw Mar.

Y- oh hey I was looking for you
Mar- I was in the locker rooms
Y- oh alright

Ms.R- ok so we are going to do warm ups first then some running. Let's start with squats. Also stay in your lines.

It was cool that me and Mar are next to each. (He is to your right)

Mar- oh my gosh Ms.R always makes us run
Y- I know it's so annoying. Especially in the morning
Mar- true

I feel eyes on me. I turned around to see Mattia looking at my ass.

Y- what the fuck Mattia
M- what?
Y- nasty mother fucker
M- whatever

Mar- you good?
Y- no Mattia was looking at my ass
Mar- we'll tell Ms.R
Y- ok thanks
Mar- your welcome

After the rest of the warm ups.

Ms.R- alright you know what play basketball or whatever you want the equipment is over there.

Y- ok I guess we can walk around
Mar- yeah
Y- wait can we tell Ms.R about Mattia first
Mar- yeah

We walked up to Ms.R

Y- umm hi Ms.R
Ms.R- hi what's up?
Y- so when we were doing squats Mattia was looking at my butt
Ms.R- oh really. Polibio come here

I see Mattia jogging over to us.

M- uhh yes Ms.R?
Ms.R- when we were doing squats were you looking at y/l/n bottom?
M- uhh...yes
Ms.R- ok well ten minutes after school with me
M- ok
Ms.R- you're lucky I didn't give a detention. Next time don't look at your classmates butt.
M- ok
He said rolling his eyes
Me.R- now say sorry to y/n
M- sorry y/n
But I know he didn't mean it.

Me and Mar just walked around the gym while everyone else is playing or sitting down at the bleachers.

~At lunch~

You sat with Mar and Malcom.

Y- hi guys how are you guys doing?
Mar- today has be pretty good
Mal- same
Y- well I didn't have science today which is really good

You guys talked about what happened at school and other stuff.

Mar- I heard that there is going to be a party on Friday.
Y- are you going?
Mar- yeah. You guys?
Y- maybe I don't know
Mal- yeah sure
Mar- y/n please come
Y- *you groaned* fine.


~At home~

I FaceTime Alejandro.

Ale- hi y/n
Y- hi Ale
Ale- it's like we haven't talked in awhile
Y- yeah I missed talking to you and the rest of you goof balls
Alejandro just laughed
Y- so what's u- hold on someone is at the door

I took my phone with me and answered the door.

Y- hello
You said opening the door
M- hi
Y- Mattia what are you doing here?
M- I just wanted to talk to you

Y- ok Ale I'll talk to you later
Ale- ok bye

You hanged up.

Y- what do you want
M- just to talk to you. Can I come in?
Y- sure

Both of you walked to your room.

M- ok I told you that if you said anything you were going to get punished
Y- you are sick
M- you should say anything baby
He says putting his hand on your thigh
Y- what the fuck is wrong with you
You said pushing him
M- here's your punishment
He pulled me close to him and kissing me. You pushed him.
Y- Mattia what the heck is wrong with you
M- nothing I just can see you with other guys
Y- oh my God. Is this all about because I'm hanging out with other guys that is not you

M- you're are all mine
Y- no I'm not yours

He grabs my waist and looks in to my eyes. And all the good memories I had with him start coming back in to mind. Then I sent myself back to reality. But before you can do anything he pulled you in to a kiss.

You kissed back then you remind yourself what he did to you.

Y- no this is wrong are a crazy person
M- I'm just crazy for you baby girl
Y- eww. No leave
You shouted
M- not until what I get
Y- what the fuck do you want
M- I want you
Y- no you are a sick person
M- just trust me
Y- I have trusted you so many times but I can't believe you anymore
M- y/n please
He pinned me to the wall and kissed me then went down. To your neck and made you moan. And made you want him more.

Y- no Mattia
M- baby girl you just moaned

(I know I cringe at this too. And I know it's VERY uncomfortable but yeah)

Y- just leave please
M- fine
Y- thank you

You walked him out your house.

M- but before I leave I want to do this
He kissed me again.
Y- ok bye now
You said closing the door before he can do anything else.

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter go check out Sex Slaves of TikTok boys. Also do you guys want a book about Quinton Griggs?)

BULLY/FUCK BUDDIES- Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now