Chapter 2

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With the emerald green flames starting to scatter, she stepped out from the marble fireplace in the great hall. She hoped for but also dreaded the time when her husband would inevitably return home from work. His mercurial mind had been more volatile then ever recently due to his workload not only at the ministry but in other aspects of his life. Lucius worked closely with Hogwarts as one of the school governors and he also was heavily involved in charity work, as was Narcissa. Whilst Lucius donated money and did a few press release photoshoot in the daily prophet, Narcissa was more active and was involved with children and animal work. It looked very good for a certain charity or company when one of the richest women in the country was helping them, also Narcissa was named witch weekly's most beautiful witch almost every year since she was around 13 years old and had been in the top 10 since she was born , which always angered her siblings and made her parents so proud. Narcissa was often on the front page of Witch Weekly and even appeared on an exclusive muggle magazine called Vogue a couple of times.

She felt a cold touch on her shoulder, causing a rippling, shivering sensation that travelled down her spine. It was unexpected but not unknown.

"What are you doing home ?" Enquired Narcissa who turned to face her husband, Lucius

Lucius Malfoy was almost identical to his son Draco: Blonde hair, cold grey eyes and the same sharp facial features. Narcissa had platinum blonde hair, not as icy as her son and husbands and had cerulean blue eyes. Her father always used to say 'Sky Blue like your mothers eyes". She also has softer facial features with a beautiful rosebud like smile despite not showing it in public for several years. Narcissa walked over to the stairs and began to ascend them towards their bedroom, noticing her husband was following suit.

"I had no more meetings today so I thought I would surprise you" he said, closing the door once he had entered the room.

She shook her husband's hand off of her, the blood now rushing from her head to her feet, causing her to collapse. Lucius rushed over to help her but she snapped

"Get off me."

"What's the matter with you !?"

She didn't know wether now was the right time but when was. Her hand subconsciously reached for her handbag that lay on the floor where she had dropped it moments earlier. She grasped the piece of paper, the same shade as her face. Shakily she passed it to her husband.

He remained silent as he examined it. Looking back at her, he exclaimed...

"You are pregnant?"

"Yes but none of that matters now" she said standing up " I need 50 Galleons"

He looked back puzzled "What for? The baby isn't even that old and we don't know wether it's a boy or a girl yet"

"Or wether it will be alive. Look at all the other times." Narcissa cried in desperation.

"Yes, but this time might be different. Your body has had time to recover and times are different now. So answer me, what do you need 50 galleons for ?"

She angrily sneered back with "What for. For an abortion you idiot"

These words pierced Lucius' heart like a knife to butter. Dread fell over his face. Ever since the death of their daughter Lyra and the miscarriage of their other daughter Sunny, he had always wanted a little girl. Draco had always been a mummy's boy and whilst he respected his father, he never truly loved him.

"You think I would bring a baby into this world, into this monstrosity of a life you have dragged me into. First chance I get, I'm getting rid of it. For its own good Lucius"

Lucius grabbed his wife's wrist "Over my dead body!"

"You remember what the healer said last time: 'Another pregnancy could kill her. The chances of her safely delivery at term and still being alive are incredible slim. Do you seriously want me to die for some child when we already have one, you already have your heir. What more do you want from me ?"

"You always said you wanted more children. You always said you felt incomplete without Draco. You won't drag my name through the mud by having an abortion just because you couldn't keep your legs shut."

"It takes two to make a baby, Lucius" she mumbled, loud enough for him to hear

"EXCUSE ME !" Lucius yelled. He was clearly getting frustrated.

Narcissa felt a cold rich of adrenaline surge through her veins, she felt just like her sister Bellatrix when she was about to kill someone. Her expression changed suddenly when she realised her husband wasn't going to give in. She needed to try a different attempt. Blueprints of a hideous future would surely do the trick.

"You can't keep me locked in here forever"

Lucius stupidly asked "why would I need to do that?"

Cissy rolled her eyes sarcastically before replying "There are others ways to get rid of a baby, if you really want to"

She went for the door but Lucius blocked it. As she attempted to move him, he shoved her back aggressively, knocking the lampshade off the bedside table, causing it shatter.

"Please don't do what I think you are going to do. Please Cissa, don't do anything stupid"

As he left, she uttered a statement that made his blood run cold, made him finally see the full picture "You know what they say. To kill a baby you practically have to kill the mother. I hope you can have that on your conscience"

He left, leaving his wife in the master bedroom leaving the four poster bed to suffocate and constrict her claustrophobia. He placed a muffling charm on the door to block out the peas and cried of his wife ...

"I don't care what it takes, I will do it. Even if it kills me. Do you hear me, even if it kills me !"

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