Bruce /aqua

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This is for dewott 46122 he was my x originally I based this character off a otter and to make it so I fused zuma and aqua and otter to make this character for him though it's still a work in progress here it is

Bruce the named I gived him he is a assissan sorry I know I misspelled that he used to love fang but fang did something incredibly stupid and hurt him he still talks to fang but with few words he spends most of the days working hard living his own life helping fang through some stuff from time to time

His appearance he has Shepard ears a otter like tail fur being a mixture of brown and light tanish white he wraps up in a coat wearing bandit like attire his weapons are daggers 

He can control water and transforms into water able to hide easily

He is charming and caring when he can be though he doesn't like showing off affection to much

He is a great friend and where ever he is he is fighting like everyone else

I thought I would do this while I was thinking about it though i wish I could do art like he could he is amazing u guys should check his stories out love y'all

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