14. Fireworks

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Warning^ in this chapter there will be  things happening if you do not want to read  it then skip it----thanks

  We were invited to the after party, it was at a little building with many lights sparkling about it.

I stood outside getting away from the heat of and stench of people dancing around.

The air was chilly with the winter coming soon, and the noise of the party over threw the whisper of the wind and and trees.

Demitri  came out with drinks.

"Here,"he said handing me a glass. "You look like you need it."

I half smile as I breathe in. "I just have to calm down and get away."

He smiled and leaned  next to me. "Can..can i kiss you again?"

I looked at him,not mad or suprised but  interested.


"Because I need to feel you again"he said low and slowly like someone would hear.

I admit I want to kiss him again,but I don't know how I feel.

I think for a minute, "what the heck," I say pulling him to my mouth. The  second his lips hit mine it felt like  fire works.

Demitri POV

She pulled me to her and her lips fit perfectly in mine. They molded  and I felt myself heat up  with pleasure to  this drug.

I move her to a wall  and push myself  against  her making her create a  noise  which  sent me over the edge.

Kissing  harder, I  let my hands travel  about her. I began to kiss her neck. Becas back arches with pleasure. And I feel myself  grow against her leg.

I want to take her,  but not here or now.

Slowly I pulled my lips from her neck to her ear. She whimpered a bit.

"Soon," I cooed in her ear.

I back away and hold her hand. She is  breathing heavily, but calms down.

We walk back to the party.

Becas POV

I finally calmed myself  down from the pleasure of Demitri's kiss.

We danced more inside and when people  began to leave so did we.

I decided to go home with Demitri and be with him for a while. As we walked out I  assumed  that we would head off on his bike but no, He had a black shiny 69 corvette.

We walked  up to it and he opened it, the car was beautiful. I just couldn't  stop staring. I  didn't  think  he would  own a car like this. Only  his motorcycle.

Demitri  smiled at  me when we sat in the  car.

"So you  like it I take."

I nodded observing the interior.

He started it,the roar and rumble  traveled through my body.


When we arrived at  his house the lights  were on and the house looked welcoming.

As we walked in I  finally  got to look at  his home instead  of trying  to get away from it.

He lead me to the kitchen  and got  out glasses. I took one and smiled "whats this about?"

"Nothing  just thought  maybe  you would like  some  water after all the alcohol  you drank..illegally." he added.

I put my fingers  to my lips and shushed  him. He watched my lips intently.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me, letting him push against me

He breathed heavily and I felt the heat cross my skin. I smiled with the pleasure of feeling him on my leg again.

Demitri picked me up and carried me to the couch and put me down then climbed on top of me.

All the pressure of him felt heavenly. He push up on his arm hovering, then slowly aimed at my neck making me grab his hair. He growled under my touch. I took off his coat then shirt.

Black markings cover his torso, I  traced them slowly. Demitri slowly slide my dress off and I lay there half naked.

Normally I would try to cover my self but I didn't, I watched his eyes scan me hungry  for more.

He gently touched my stomach and I jumped, covering myself with my arms. Demitri looked sad at me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked

"I'm very insecure about my stomach." I say embarrassed.

He just smiled, moved my arms away and kissed from my ribs to my hips. Giving me a odd feeling.

He let his face linger down low before hooking my very unfacy underwear with his cold fingertips. His tongue gently touched my skin making me jump again.

I just closed my eyes focusing on the feeling. I feel my body melt. He moves his body up to my face and his bulge in his pants hits my sex making me gasp.

He lyes his head on my chest. "That's all you get tonight. You are a little bit drunk."

I nod and grow sleepy from the experience. Before I fully fall asleep I finally hear my phone go off. I get up and rush to it, I put my dress back on and look at my sleeping boy with his arm hanging of one side of the couch and his skin glowing against the dim light. I kiss him on the head and walk out to my car that my brother dropped off for me.

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