A Promise Fulfilled

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Renn, 1180

I sat in my favorite chair, waiting for the meeting to begin. The others hadn't arrived yet, but as they were guests in my manor, I couldn't leave them waiting, so I had arrived earlier than our agreed time out of politeness. Behind me to my right, was my own show of power. He served as my bodyguard, because even though I trusted my guests, I wasn't stupid. An assassination attempt could come from anywhere, and I couldn't be too careful. My bodyguard was visibly armed to remind my guests who was in charge. I waited, picking my teeth with the minuscule dagger that I kept in a pocket on my sleeve.

My bodyguard shuffled his feet, his fidgeting drawing my eye. I wondered if he was nervous. It would be his first official meeting here, after all. Spenser had been a member for a long time now, having joined as a young teenager when I'd first become leader. I'd never used him in this capacity before, in any case. This was very official business. Anything said here was highly confidential.

That I permitted him to attend spoke volumes, and if he did well in this today, then I would consider promoting him to a higher office. I'd noticed he was skilled with numbers and organization. Perhaps he could be a record keeper. The Naga certainly had a need for one. Many of our businesses' accounting were painfully haphazard, and some of them had no records at all.

The man I had posted outside the room opened the door slightly to announce my guest's arrival before they entered.

"Pellia Raghas, King Dieter Kampstaff and his son are here, Raven," said the door man.

"Send them in, please," I said authoritatively, eager to begin.

They had requested this meeting, and though I had an idea, they hadn't shared an exact agenda. I supposed that was for the best. Only those who needed to know would be here to witness it.

The door opened wider this time to allow for my guests to enter, flanked by two bodyguards each. Pellia brushed forward in front of Dieter, bowed deeply to greet me, and then stood on the far side of the table. Dieter entered in the same manner, although he situated his guards on the other side of the table. Dieter's son, the prince, shadowed his father's every move.

I nodded in greeting to all of them and gestured that they should sit. I brushed my long blonde hair away from my face and behind my shoulders, careful not to wipe off any of my face paint that I had carefully applied. I leaned forward; elbows propped on the table in front of me.

"What brings you here, my friends?" I asked, genuinely pleased to see them, but eager to get down to business.

Over the few years I'd been leading this group, these two have been close allies of mine. Pellia Raghas, the figurehead of the rebellion, had become a close colleague with our numerous meetings in secret. Dieter Kampstaff, the King of Dobridland, was more of an acquaintance to me, but he did have my respect and it appeared that I had his too. At least, he had always treated me accordingly.

"We have come to request something of you," said Pellia officially. "Or rather, of one of your colleagues."

I raised my eyebrows, silently asking her to elaborate.

"Dean Red, I believe he is called?" Pellia said, tapping her lips lightly with an extended index finger. She stood, slapping her hands flat on the table in front her. "We have a deal concerning him. We've held up our end, and now, it is time to collect."

"I'm sure he will cooperate as much as he's able," I said carefully. "What do you require of him?"

"Several years ago, as you know, we made an alliance with Kane Marsa."

I nodded in agreement.

"We agreed that the Naga gang would not only assist in funding the rebellion, but would also give us what we desire most," she said, choosing her words carefully. "Which, is the rightful heir to the throne." She paused to examine my expression. "Dayne Cerul, or as he's re-named himself, Dean Red."

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