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gun recently started to hang out with his new friend, vit.

"should we go to the movies today?" gun asked the taller male.

"mhm, we can." vit said while nodding.

gun became more happier over the course of the two months that he hung out with his friend, vit.

vit seemed like a very cold guy, but he wasn't. when he was with gun, he was actually a very nice and cheerful guy.

see? never judge a book by it's cover.

once the friends had gotten in the theater and got their tickets, they sat in their chairs.

"we came early, ha. the previews are still showing." gun said before feeling another presence next to him, then there was a whisper in his ear.

"moved on already? hm, thought you would've at least waited for me baby." mark whispered in gun's ear.

gun told vit he had to go to the bathroom and so he did, going into a stall.

there was silence until mark's voice filled the air and gun stepped out of the stall.

"seriously mark, what is your problem? you broke it off with me, you moved on so fast, all i did was make a friend. a real friend, one who actually cares even though we aren't a thing, one that cares about me and my health. crazy right? yeah, it's unbelievable, mark." gun said.

there was a stinging feeling on gun's left cheek. it got hotter as the seconds passed.

mark slapped gun. he slapped him.

then gun felt a tear fall down his cheek before mark realized what he had did.

"baby, i'm so sorry. i'm sorry, please forgive me." mark said while holding gun's hands.

"no, don't touch me." gun said before yanking his hands away, leaving the bathroom while wiping his tears away.

he sat back next to vit, the other male noticing the handprint on his face.

"gun, what happened?" vit asked, obviously concerned.

"i just got some hot water on my face, i was trying to relax myself." gun said, looking down.

"it was mark wasn't it." vit said.

gun didn't say anything at all.

vit knew it. he had saw mark come in behind them, mark obviously was following the pair.

vit was a very observant guy, he didn't say much but he would always look at everything.

the pair just watched the movie, once the movie finished, gun walked home with his hoodie over his head.

ever since the breakup gun had got a little dorm on campus, letting mark keep the apartment instead. crazy.

he got back to the room, doing his night routine before he sat on his bed. blankly staring at the wooden floor.

small cries let his lips.
little sniffles.
small sobs.
a sigh.

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