(Chap 3) I Bet He Misses You

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"Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful-"

All these emotions ran over me as I saw the green eyed, curly haired, boy begin to sing. The song of his choice made me sad, but it kind of made me wonder if he was thinking about me the whole time. Thinking about the day he sang it to me. The day where everything was so perfect, but then it ended terribly.

I watched his every move on stage. The crowd adored him, hanging onto every word he has sang the way I did every time I'd hear him sing. 

His singing came to a stop, and the judges began giving him their input. He got one no, but the rest were yes's. I knew he'd make it. He's always been a star.

"What are you listening to?"A voice asked from behind the door.

"Ah, just watching the X-Factor,"I sighed as my friend walked through the door.

"Harry's audition?"Luke's eyebrows rose.

"Erm, yeah.."

"Miss him?"

"Yeah,"I sighed.

"I bet he misses you."

"Highly doubt it. Look how happy he is."

"Emily, you got to stop doing this to yourself,"Luke said.

I looked into his deep brown eyes, and I knew he was right I just didn't want to admit it. I sighed as I folded the last bit of laundry.

"I know."I said.

"How about you and I head out tonight,"his eyes began to twinkle.

"Last time we went out you got arrested,"I laughed.

"I can tell by the way your blue eyes are shining that you want to go on an adventure. And I only got arrested because you decided to let me run around in only my boxers at midnight."Luke chuckled running his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"I let you run around in your boxers only because you cried when I told you to put on clothes."

"I was that drunk?"

"You sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. I was not going to destroy your happiness."I laughed.

"Fine we will stay in for tonight... BUT we have to have a scary movie marathon!"

"No! You knwo how I feel about scary movies!"

"Fine."He pouted.

He turned off the tv and pulled me closer to him, so now we were talking face to face.

"Lets talk about you."He said.


"Yeah, what is Ms Emily Alice really like? Who does she love?"

"Who do I love?"I asked.


"Well... You clearly. I mean I wouldn't have a place to stay if it wasn't for you, and I woul-"

"You love me as a friend though,"he sighed."Don't you love Harry?"

"Love Harry?"I choked out."We haven't talked in weeks, I don't think he cares of remembering me..."

"And why not? You to used to be the best of friends, and now you act like you had died and that he's forgotten all about you."

"It sure feels that way,"I mumbled.

"But why? What happened between you two?"

"I don't want to talk about it,"I said quickly.

"But why?"

"Because we got into a huge argument before he left, okay?"


"Yeah, and I didn't fight for him like I used to when we got into small fights, but they were never like this. He said some wrong things, things that haunt me to this day."

"He probably didn't mean-"

"Oh he meant it. He even said so."

 "Yeah, but-"

"But nothing! It's done! He's forgotten me and I'm trying to forget him!"I yelled.

"Hey, hey don't cry,"Luke said as he put his arms around me.

"Why can-can't I get ove-over him? He's jus-just a stupid boy,"I cried.

"Because he's not just a stupid boy,"Luke said as he brushed my dark brown hair away from my face.

"Yeah, he is,"I mumbled.

"No, he's not and you know this. He's been your best friend since the first grade you can't just 'forget' someone who has been in your life for that long. Hell I know I'll never mean as much to you as he does to you. It's a fact."

"That's not true."I sniffled.

He just sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?"I asked.

"I'm going to let you get your feelings together because it's clear that they aren't."

"But they are!"

"No, Emily, they aren't! I sit here almost every single day watching you look at things with the saddest eyes. Yes he's just a boy, but he was the boy who made your day. The boy who just could bring you pure bliss and all you want to remember is how he fucked up. Sorry, everyone fucks up. It's human nature. So sit here and think about the good things about him, and not that fucking one day where everything fucked up. Be happy for a change, damn."

And with that said Luke walked out.

I knew he was right, but I wasn't going to let him know that. 

I just got up and sighed. Trying to walk away from the argument that just took place. That's what I'm good at doing, walking away... Like how I walked away from Harry the night he decided to leave. I just wish life could be a bit more simple.

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