(Chap 4) Remember Me?

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"Baby you light up my world like-"

"No, just not today."I said as I switched the songs on my ipod.

I was out for my daily run, like I usually do. Luke was out of town for the weekend and I don't have any school work to be worried about at this moment, plus it's the weekend.

I jogged my way down to McDonalds and decided that I was going to get something to eat a a reward to myself.

I wiped off some of my sweat, and walked in.

"Hi, what would you like to order?"The man said behind the counter.

"I'll have a Big Mac and a drink with fries, please."

"You got it."

After I paid he handed me my cup.

"White lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes,"I began to sing softly as I poured my drink.

"Hear that girl singing, mate?"I heard someone say a few feet away from me.

I ignored them and comtinued on with my little tune until I got my food.

"And they say she's in the class A Team,"I sang as I was heading out the door.

"I know that voice all too well,"I heard a guy say.

"Ellie?"I heard someone say behind me.

I froze at the sound of the name. No one ever  calls me Ellie except for-

"Ellie, it is you!"

I turned around, and there stood Harry Styles.

"Yeah, it's me,"I gave a weak smile.

"Remember me?"

"I sure do!"I as trying my best to sound happy.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in years! Come with me you've got to meet my best lads!"

I didn't have a choice, really. He dragged me by my hand, and stopped me in front of a table with four gorgeous boys.

"Harry, gots himself a lady for tonight,"the one with blue green eyes and light brown hair snickered.

"Boo Bear, shut up."Harry laughed."Lads, this is an old friend of mine, Ellie."

"Uh, hi."I said awkwardly.

"Ellie, huh...That's a strange name."The cute blonde said with an Irish accent.

"It's actuall-"

"It's the nickname I gave to her in first grade."Harry said cutting me off.

"Good lord, Harry, let her speak!"The brown hair browned eyed boy laughed.

"I don't even think she even knows who we are,"the boy with jet black hair and brown eyes smirked.

"I know who you are."I mummered."You're Zayn, you're Liam, you're Niall, you're Louis, and you're..."I hesitated on his name."Harry. You guys are part of the band names One Direction."I sighed.

"Huh, most girls would go nuts over us,"Niall pouted.

"She's not like most girls,"Harry said.

I turned to face him.

"What?"He asked.

"Nothing."I said."Well it was nice meeting you boys, but I need to finish my run."

"Aw, come on hang out with us! We're having a movie night at my place, and a slumber party!"Harry said.

"But I'm gross, and sweaty. I don't even have a change of clothes!"I said trying to think of every excuse so I could get out of it.

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