Niall for Ariel (Iluurvbands)

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The snow drifted softly outside, a nice change to the awful storm that had been raging on for hours upon hours a few minutes ago. The windows are nearly completely frosted over. On the day after Christmas of all days. 

Ariel had the boys over for a small holiday party. They had agreed to open their presents from each other then, too. Unfortunately, a huge storm swept the small town unexpectedly. The boys had to stay the night. 

This was a good and bad thing for Ariel. It was good because her and Niall got to share a bed... and blanket... and her cuddled her. It was bad because Niall just saw it as a way to stay warm. See, Ariel has known Louis since pre-band and after drifting apart, they soly became reconnected. And it gave her a chance to connect with Niall. 

So, for the time being, they're just sitting around. Liam is swinging his arms lazily whilst circling the coffee table (cabin fever), Louis is rummaging in the fridge for some form of sustinance for the sixth time in the past half our, and Zayn and Harry are on their phones, complaining about the bad serivce. And Niall? Well, Niall is sneaking glances up at Ariel. Or, he thinks he's sneaking them. If it weren't for the face that her nose was burried so far into a book that she was oblivious to the world around her, then she would have at least caught him looking at her once or twice, if not held a steady gaze. 

"Okay, this is literally the most boring shi-" Louis bursts before Ariel gives him a death glare. 

"My god, can't you stand any silence?!" She groans, but smirks teasingly. 

"No. No I cannot. That's why we're going to play two lies and a truth." There was a murmur of agreement and a lot of shrugging before they all slowly made their way into a circle. 

"Isn't the game supposed to be 'Two truths and a lie?'" Asks Liam.

"Yes, but since when do we play by the rules, right, lads?" Louis chuckles and rocks over to nudge Harry on the shoulder. He just rolls his eyes and lets out a light laugh. 

"Alright. I'll start then, I guess." Zayn volunteers. He thinks for a moment. "Um... I was in my school's nitivity play in year one as an angel. I love Christmas even though I don't celebrate it. And, erm, I guess, I never celebrated Christmas as a kid because it's not my religion."

"The truth is that you love Christmas." Says Harry matter-of-factly. Zayn's not very good at this game. 

"Erm... yeah."

"MY TURN!" Exclaims Louis. "Okay, so I was top of my class in school," They all laugh. "I wish my mom didn't have my baby brother because I never wanted brothers and I one of my best friends is, like, in love with Nial Horan. " Ariel's eyes widen and she tried to cover her face with her hands. Totally discreet. Of course, though, Liam had to notice. 

"Ariel?!" Her eyes widen.

"No. I mean... Maybe? I mean, I wouldn't say 'in love' or anything." Ariel tried to laugh through the embarassing truth. Is it a good thing that Niall is blushing too?

"C'mere." The blonde, fuzzy-aired Irishman stands up and hold his hands out to the sitting girl. 

"What? Where are we going?" Is he throwing me out?! Is he going to pants me or something?! Publicly humiliate me?! All this and more was running though Ariel's mind as he gently led her o a place in front of the live burning fireplace. 

"Look up." Niall whispers gently in the nervous girl's ear. 

Ariel does so, gasping quietly. Mistletoe. How cliche, but she can't help but silently Gaaahhhh of adorablness. This adorble boy- man- wants to kiss her... under the mistletoe... in front of their friends? Pardon the language, but ho-ly shit.

"I've been wanting to do this for a really long time." Niall whispers, eyeing Ariel's lips hungrily. But not ina creepy way. Like they're the sweetest piece of apple pie and he gets the only slice. 

"M-me too." Ariel's usual confidence slowly folds away as she mirrors what he is doing. His lips look positivly... delectable. 

It was as if the fates had hit the 'Slow' button on time. Simoltaniously, their eyes flit from the other's lips to their eyes. Niall's ice blue ones staring into Ariel's chocolate brown ones. Niall begins to move his head in. Briefly, she thinks of the movie Hitch and 90/10. Their hands haven't been relinquished. What is taking so long?! Ariel thinks. She can't wait for the full 90 so she meets him halfway, their lips colliding in a heat of passion and longing and, above all, unbeknowest to the two, love. It seems like hours until the four start 'aww'ing and ruining the moment. 

"W-will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asks quietly, so that the boys can't heat. it was a resounding, complete "yes" that she whispers back, their lips locking again, but this time, Ariel's arms wrap around Niall's neck and his around her waist. And time is regular again. 

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