Harry for Shakira

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"Darcy! Will! Don't break anything!" Yells Shakira to their two kids. They had run off with Niall and Ella's little boy, Greg (after Niall's brother), and Liam and Jenni's daughter, Ava. 

Darcy just turned eleven and she's the oldest of all the One Direction kids. Louis and Marie's daughter, Elise, was born three months ago. All of them have kids. All of them. Even Zayn, who everyone figured would bypass the whole "kids" thing. But his wife, Zoe talked him into it. 

Shakira and Harry had gotten married twelve years previously. Harry was the first to settle down of all the boys. 

"Calm down, pumpkin. It's child-proofed. We've come here every year for Christmas. We learned our lesson from the little medicine cabinet issue, eh?" Harry tucks a strand of his wife's hair behind her ear. 

"Yeah, I guess." She sighs. Ever since they got together in the first place, Shakarry has been the big OTP. Ideally, there wouldn't have been any hate, but Shakira has never let it get to her. 

"We came to relax and let the kids play. It's the holidays. The most wonderful time of the year, remember?" Even after twelve years of marriage, Harry has managed not to loose his adorableness. 

"You're such a nugget." Shakira playfully nudges her Nugget. 

"Oh, a nugget, am I?" Harry smirks and pokes her cheek. 

"You most certainly are." Harry Laughs as she pokes him in his still-firm abs. 

"Well, seeing as how a nugget is an animate object, I don't think it would be able to do this." He leans down and pecks her cheek, then her other. He continues this, littering them all around her mouth, but never on it. Finally, she has had enough teasing. She grasps his face and pulls him in for a proper kiss. 

"Sweetheart, there are children here." Harry is such a tease. 

"I know. But they're in another room. And besides, has that ever stopped us before?" And without an answer, she pulls him closer and closer.

"EWWW! Aunt Kira and Uncle Harry are giving each other cooties!" Greg yells just before the couple's lips touch. 

"Mommy! Daddy! You can't do that." Proclaims Will with his hands on his hips and sass in his tone. He likes to know what he's taking about and he's always right, no argument. 

"Stupid boys." Darcy rolls her eyes and Ava laughs. Ava has always looked up to the older one and follows her around like a puppy dog every time they're together. 

"IOU one kiss." Harry whispers in his wife's ear. She giggles and grabs his hand, pulling him inot the next room. 

Kira leans down to Darcy, Will, Ava, and Greg. "Make sure you include Zia, okay? She may be only five, but she's a lot like her dad. She's mature for her age. But she's also very shy. She won't come up to you and ask to play. You have to ask her, alright?" They had to have the same talk every time there was a get-together. Naturally, they all nod and rush off to play with Zia. 

"I still can't get over the fact that Zayn and Zoe Malik named their little girl Zia." Harry rolls his eyes. Since they decided on the baby name (At the time, another option was Zack because they didn't know the gender), there has been a lot of teasing the parents. 

"Oh, leave them alone. Me and the other girls think it's adorable. But I am glad that her middle name isn't Jane or something." Zoe's middle name is Jeanette. And Zayn's is Javaad. It would just be straight up confusing. 

"Of course you do." Harry rolls his eyes. 

"I do. And you know what?"


"I can't wait to give you your Christmas present." 

"Oh yeah?" Harry seems genuinely interested. 


"What is it?" Shakira strikes her 'unamused' face. 

"You'll see in two days." 

~Two Days Later~

After celebrating Louis' birthday, the kids are always tired. Note the sarcasm. Four years ago, the adults made a unanimous decision to enforce the "Six O'Clock Rule". It has to be six before the Christmas Bell (It's a thing) rings throughout the house. 

So. six o'clock came before any of the parents were ready. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! Santa came!" The night before, all of the kids made a plan in order to wake all of the parents up. Will was the one to wake up the Styles parents. 

"Hmm?" Still groggy, Harry pulls Shakira in closer. 

"Baby, you have to wake up." Shakira's motherly instincts have her up immediately. 

"Five more minutes." 

"You won't get your present if you don't wake up by the time I get to ten." She warns. 

"One... Two.... Three..." 

"'M up. Don't get your pant-yhoes in a twist," Harry groans, remembering the presence of their child. 

"C'mom mommy and daddy!" Shakira laughs and Harry grumbles something about "six in the bloody morning" and "why the hell is Christmas so early?".

After the kids all screamed at all of their toys, groaned at the clothes, and gave the parents their gifts, it was time for the final present from Shakira to give Harry (and the rest) her present. 

"Well, looks like it's down to one." Harry says pointedly. 

"I know, I know." Shakirs rolls her eyes. "Hey, everyone. If I could have your attention, I'd like to make an announcement." All eyes turn to her. "Before I make the traditional Christmas French Toast, I think I've been keeping this to myself for far too long." 

"Spit it out." Louis teases, Marie hitting him playfully on the chest shortly after. 

"I'm pregant." She says simply. 

Cries of congratulations fly around the room. 

"How long have you known?" Asks Harry, still slightly dumbstruck. 

"A month?" Shakira smiles shyly. 

"That's... fantastic." Smiles Harry widely. "I was wondering why you had been avoidint the eggnog."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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