Chapter 18

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It was Nine O'Clock in the evening as Tony and Josh stood near the Rhino's Horn Pub. Like Tony said, it was a good half hour away from the area where they lived, so they set out from eight O'Clock to arrive for eight thirty. Better early than late.

The plan was simple, yet deadly. When the place was at its least busy, the two of them would storm inside and demand all the money from the till before bolting away. Nothing fancy and it would be quick. Josh was nervous. Tony, if he was nervous, was concealing it very well.

"Ok, I'm gonna scope it out," Said Tony, who strolled out from behind the bushes they were standing behind and peered into the windows. After a few seconds, he quickly returned.

"One punter left inside. He looks wasted and his pint is almost empty, so he'll probably be heading soon."

"Probably?" Josh let the question hang.

"I concede that there is obviously a certain element of risk here Josh, but there always would be in situations like this. Trust in the plan."

Tony seemed to be proven correct. Minutes later, a man in a leather jacket practically stumbled out the pub and made for the path leading away from the pub.

"Our chance?" Asked Josh frantically.

"Our chance," Confirmed Tony. The two of them slipped balaclavas on and ran into the pub.

A basic enough architect. Just the bar, a TV, a snooker table, some dining tables and a toilet at the back were all that were there.

The staff member behind the bar, a young boy about their age, stared at them.

Tony and Josh took out a knife each and made their way behind the bar, blocking off any chance of escape from the distressed looking barman.

"The till," directed Tony. "Open it, give us everything and nothing happens to you.

The barman was in no position to argue against him. He reached the till and opened it for them. Josh opened up a bag and he began to stuff it with the money, coins and notes.

Tony meanwhile noticed something on the bar and inspected it.

"Hey, what-do-ya know. That guy that just left forgot his wallet. Mr Tony Letton. Well, that's an extra Tony in the world, as well as an extra hundred for us then."

He threw the wallet inside the bag and stood there looking at Josh.

"Job well done then Josh?"

Josh looked at the barman. Amazingly, he didn't look scared anymore. In fact, he was smiling, which unsettled Josh.

"Tony, shouldn't we get going-"

At that moment, the punter from earlier, Tony Letton as his ID described him essentially fell through the pub doors, barely standing.

"Alright Jack, I forgot my wallet-"

Tony shoved Josh out of sight and charged at Tony Letton.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" Cried out Tony Letton in surprise as Tony grabbed him and took him down to the floor, tying him by his hands and throwing a towel over his head that he grabbed from the bar. "Seriously? Jesus fucking Christ! Look, me and the barman, we're just pals, nothing more! Whatever he's involved in, it's nothing to do with me!"

Tony motioned for Josh to get outside with the bag of money. As Josh got outside, Tony followed a few seconds later.

"I punched out the barman. Did that other guy see you?"

"Nah you got me out the way immediately," said Josh. "Doubt he even knew I was there. Don't see why it was important though, the barman already knew there were two of us so-"

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