"Who are they?" ~ 1

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A/N I meant to post this yesterday but I got grounded so yeah.. BUT all that matters is that I have posted it today! If you don't know instead of just Lela and Tanner coming into the "real world" Butchy also comes along! Also if you haven't seen the movies you're going to be confused so go watch them before you read this I will still be here! 

Title - Title

Bold is my Author Notes (A/N)

Italics are thinking!


F/C - Favorite Color

F/F - Favorite Flavor

Y/N - Your Name


Mack's P.O.V~

- After seeing Butchy, Lela, and Tanner-

"Oh no..." I said as I saw Y/N looking for me. "Whats wro- Ohhh that's bad isn't it?" Brady said as he saw Y/N as well. "What are you-se's looking at?" Butchy asked about to turn around. "Nothing!" I quickly told him. "We're just in shock that you're actually here!" I said. "Hopefully she doesn't see us and goes home.." I whispered to Brady but I, of course jinxed it...

Y/N's P.O.V~

I was looking around the beach with two F/F milkshakes in hand searching for Mack. I was supposed to help her clean the beach so I brought refreshments for the both of us, but she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, after about 5 minutes I found her with Brady and three other unrecognizable people. I started to run over to her. "Hey Mack I was looking for- WoAh!" I tripped over my foot because of my clumsiness, I closed my eyes bracing myself for impact annnnnndddddd.... It never came?

I opened my eyes looking up to see a handsome boy holding me. I guess he saved me from the fall? Oh great! I just embarrassed myself in front of this cute boy! I quickly get up before I embarrassed myself even more. "Um thanks for catching me!" I told him. "No problem's!" He said. "I think you dropped this!" This other tan boy handed me my milkshakes I dropped that magically were safe. OH THANK GOD I SPENT LIKE 10 DOLLARS ON THIS- (XD I'm a retard..) "Oh thank you!" I told him. "I love your shirt!" Another girl with a polka-dot red dress pointed at my 1960s styled F/C T-Shirt. "Thanks!" I told her.  Actually wait who are these people?

"Mack, Brady who are these people?" I said looking more closely at the three weirdly kind people. "Actually now that I think about it? They kinda look like the char-" I was suddenly dragged away by Mack. "Brady watch them I need to talk to Y/N!" Mack yelled to Brady. "So.. Who are they?" I said as I handed Mack her F/F milkshake. "Look this is going to sound... crazy but I'm going to tell you something Brady and I have been keeping a secret." Mack told me. "Ok?.." I replied. "Those people are the people from 'Wet Side Story' and we need your help.." Mack told me. "... WhAt" I told her. (FYI she says it the way Tanner does so-)

~Time Skip 10 minutes of you denying what Mack is telling you until you realize she's serious and she explains the whole story because this is a fanfic~

I couldn't believe it.. "So the guy I bumped into is Butchy?" I asked walking back to the group with Mack. "Yes." Mack replied. "I'm so embarrassed.." I told her moving around my straw before taking a sip of my milkshake. (Am I the only one who does that?). "Anyways what did you say you need help with?" I asked her. "Brady and I need your help to watch Butchy..." She replied. "What?! Cant I just watch Lela or something?" I asked her. "You know Big Papa would not allow me to have a boy other than Brady stay over in my room." Mack told me. "Right.. Right.." I told her. "Besides you live alone because.. well.. y'know.." She told me trying to not get me upset.


Y/N 16 years

I slowly woke up hearing faint sirens outside. "Mom.. Dad.."  I tried getting up feeling the open cut on my head slowly start bleeding. I got up to look at my parents which probably was a huge mistake. My eyes widened as I realized they weren't moving or breathing at all.

I saw my Dad laying on the airbag with a bleeding broken nose and scratches on his arms and face. I looked at my Mom holding her stomach, the stomach which held my unborn baby brother.. She was bleeding with scratches all over her from the broken glass and a huge cut in her head from a particularly large piece of glass. 

"MOM DAD!!" I yelled. I yelled so loud when the police finally got out of their cars they ran over to my car first. They took one look at my parents and told me to go with them I obediently went with them knowing I couldn't do anything. 

My parents left my home to me in their will they also left me my college funds and the money needed left for school.

~Return to Present Time~

"Its ok you can say it Mack I'm over it!" I told her. "Ok.." Mack replied not really knowing what else to say. "I won't make it harder for you and Brady. I'll watch Butchy!" I told Mack. "Great! I'll tell Brady. Thanks Y/N!" She replied. "No problem!" I said. 

We got back to the group only to see Tanner and Lela admiring Brady's new surfboard. "Brady where's Butchy?" I asked him. "What are you talking about he's right hereeee- Where'd he go?!" Brady replied realizing Butchy disappeared. Lela and Tanner suddenly got interested in something else and ran off for Mack and Brady to find them. "Well Butchys your problem now Brady and I need to find Lela and Tanner!" Mack told me before running off with Brady. After Mack and Brady were a few feet away I heard Mack already getting on to Brady. "I told you to do ONE thing for ONE second!! ONE thing!!". I chuckled before running off to find Butchy.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! I certainly did! (non biased) In the rest of the story I plan on  it having curses and "adult" jokes... so yeah.. ANYWAYS if I haven't said it Mack, Lela, and you are 17! Brady, Tanner, and Butchy are 18!

Hope you enjoyed bitches!! (thats a joke if you want to be called something else like, potatoes or tacos leave it in this comment section)

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