15 - Anger Management With Stiles (Stiles)

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I slouched back in my chair with a huff,  not letting go of Cassidy's hand. Since I had picked her up from Scott's house, glaring at him the entire time, she had been trying to convince me she had forgiven him.

"You both nearly died, Cassidy." I sighed, pulling our entwined hands into my lap. "I can't forgive that when he hasn't even apologized!" 

"I know." She replied, sliding closer to me in her seat. "I know, but he's your best friend.Even before you met me. Then I was just the wimpy girl you hung out with."

"The wimpy girl who I had a crush on. Cassidy, this isn't your problem." I tell her earnestly, pressing my lips to her hand. It was warm, and it smelt like her-like vanilla and flowers and love. 

At that moment, Scott walked in, rushing to his chair behind me. I roll my eyes, and Cassie squeezes my hand. Be nice. She mouthes when i look over to her. 

"Still not talking to me?" Scott asks and I roll my eyes, facing forward. "Okay, can you at least tell me if your Dad's okay? It's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing big?" He pleads, and I'm tempted to turn around. "Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this thing out and that I went to Derek's for help?" 

"If i were talking to you, I'd say you're an idiot for trusting him. But, obviously, I'm not talking to you." I say, fidgeting in my seat and squeezing Cassie's hand in my lap. She sends me a look, and I smile slightly, turning around to face Scott. "What did he say?" 

"He wants me to tap into my animal side, get angry."


After class, as we're walking through the halls, I take it up with Scott again.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that you try to kill someone and that someone is usually Cassie or I."

"I know." Scott sighs, moving his bag from his right shoulder to his left. "That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." 

"Well how's he going to teach you to do that?" I ask him, moving my hand from entwined with Cassie's to around her shoulder.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but did you guys see and hear that?" Cassie asks timidly, looking around. 

"No, what was it?" I ask, shaking my head softly.

"I-I don't know. Everything went black, except for a pair of red eyes, and there was a girl screaming." 

"I didn't hear that." I tell her, Scott shaking his head.

"It was probably nothing," Cassie says, shaking her head with a smile, "I didn't sleep well last night, I had another nightmare. So, Scott, how's Derek going to teach you?" 

"I don't know." Scott shakes his head. "I don't think he does either." 

"Okay. When are you seeing him?" I ask, forming a plan.

"He told me not to talk about it. Just act notmal and get through the day." I roll my eyes, looking at him seriously.


"He's picking me up at the clinic after work." Scott answers finally, and I nod.

"After work. Alright, well. That gives me to the end of the school day then." I say, grinning down at Cassie who is staring at me with a confused expression. 

"To do what?" Scott asks, staring at me with the same expression and I roll my eyes at him.

"To teach you myself." 

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