My boy (part 2)

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Chill noticed the weird look on Grill's face and looked confused.  He was also confused when he heard giggling from Spill and sipping from a mug. He tried to focus on what all happened and then realized. Oh. He didn't really mind, but he knew Grill would mind. Chill didn't really know how to approach this. Should he be subtle and calm? Yeah, that should work. He gave his soft smile as a way to try and not freak out Grill even more.

"Hey Grill, you good dude?" Chill started, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around him.

"I don't fudging know, I can't even function properly right now!" Grill grumbled trying not to be loud. He was actually talking in a whisper for once.

"It's alright man, you don't have to freak out about anything. There's nothing to be scared about." Chill said adjusting the blanket around him.

"I'm not scared, shut up!" Grill whisper yelled and crossed his arms embarrassed.

"It's okay big guy, I'll leave you alone to think." Chill said getting up and going to his room.

Spill and Brew waved bye and left, leaving Grill alone to think. Grill just got on Twitter and started roasting people or getting caught up on the latest things. Soon enough he calmed down and as if on cue, Chill entered the living room with his hands in his hoodie pocket. Chill noticed that Grill was feeling a lot better.

"Everything good there?" Chill asked which earned him a nod and even a slight smile from Grill.

Chill went to the kitchen and saw a few pancakes and eggs cooked on the oven. He was happy that Spill and Brew visited because he didn't feel like making breakfast this morning. He heard footsteps towards the kitchen and turned around. Grill had the dirty dishes from last night and brought them to the sink. He rolled up his sleeves and started hand washing them. Chill smiled and started fixing the two plates. He placed them both on the counter and got out everything they both wanted. With them living together so long, Chill just knew these things.

After Grill finished the dishes, he poured the syrup on the small stack and grabbed a fork. He went over to the table and sat down, then started eating. Chill soon joined him and started eating as well. Chill, believe it or not, wasn't used to the silence and was concerned.

"Okay bro, I can't take this silence anymore. What's wrong, Grill?" Chill asked putting his fork down.

"I just don't feel like talking but if that's what you want then alright. What do you want to talk about? It's been a while since I've posted a video sense we've been helping Brew with his channel." Grill started a rant about how that was going, and it somehow transformed to tweets he got this morning.

Chill was satisfied because it seemed he forgot all about this morning. He put in his input whenever it was necessary, but otherwise he didn't mind any of the ranting. 

Soon after breakfast, they both got ready for school and left, Grill was still on the topic of how weird, scratch that, disturbing putting milk before cereal is. Grill was almost to the point of yelling because his rage at the topic, but Chill nudged his arm and Grill realized then quieted himself. Just a little, though.

They soon got settled in their seats in class, Grill groaned when he saw Lance. He was also trying to ignore Jack and his rants about being friends. Grill hit his head on the desk and kept his head down. He wanted class to be over. After class, Chill and Grill decided to talk in the hallways. Spill approached them with a smile.

"So I take it the situation is handled?" Spill took a sip of her tea.

Grill blushed out of embarrassment and anger. He hadn't forgot about it, he just wasn't thinking about it and tried to stay distracted. He rolled his eyes and Chill laughed, putting his hand on Grill's shoulder reassuringly. Grill just sighed, seeming to calm down. Grill got out his phone and started going through Twitter. Again.

Chill put his hands in his pockets and spoke with Spill about anything that came to mind. Grill put input whenever it was necessary, but payed attention to his phone. Grill was feeling a serious sense of Deja vu. He got bored and put his phone away, then crossed his arms and tapped his foot quietly. He was waiting for the bell to signal they could leave.

"And that's why Brew should make a video about penguins." Chill explained to Spill which earned him a laugh from Grill and Spill.

"When is the bell going to ring!" Grill mumbled loudly, where you could sort of understand but it sounded like angry grumbling.

As if on cue, the bell sounded and Grill cheered, then power walked to the exit. Chill waved bye to Spill then jogged to catch up with Grill. Once they got home, Grill sat on the couch and checked YouTube. He watched a few videos while Chill was meditating. He didn't want to bother Chill, but he was getting bored. Grill then decided to get on Netflix on the tv and start looking for something to watch.

After a while of contemplation, Grill finally decided on something just as Chill finished his meditating. Chill saw Grill was waiting with the show paused before it started so Chill could join him. It was this show NCIS which was really similar to Criminal Minds. Chill went to the kitchen and found one last can of YEET ENERGY DRANK and grabbed it, as well as some juice for himself. He brought it to the living room and sat by Grill, then handed the other his energy drank.

"Did we get more, or is this the last one?" Grill asked, grabbing the YEET blanket and laying it across his and Chills laps.

"Nah bro, this is the last one we have. Are you getting more soon?" Chill replied, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"I'm...planning on it." Grill said squinting his eyes and looking to the left, like he was scheming something.

"Alright my man, can you start the show?" Chill asked leaning back into the couch, getting comfortable.

"Buzz off, I was about to." Grill said grabbing the remote and starting the show.

After a few episodes, without realizing it, Grill was practically cuddling Chill. His head was on the others shoulder, and his right arm was around Chill's side. Chill didn't say anything because he didn't mind. By the time Grill realized he was cuddling his friend, he was too in his "not giving a flip mood" to really care. That morning he only cared because he thought Chill would freak out and be un-Chill. Just thinking about the "waffle incident" gave him shivers.

Chill wrapped his left arm around Grill and rested his head on top of Grills. Grill had some tiny internal panic for a moment but relaxed soon afterward. Just two bros cuddling on the couch with secret feelings towards the other. Whether it was love or not, it was something they both liked. Cuddling during movies or shows soon became their regular thing, and Grill had nothing to worry about.

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