Jiyeon looked at the window beside her when she was on the bus, and her phone rang a chime. She frantically took it as she looked around, making sure no one was looking at her. She looked at her notifications and knew it was a text, so she opened it.

Chinnybinni ㅋㅋ

The not chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
I'm at bus rn

Chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
asking if u wanna hang out tonight. Samgyup w/ friends

The not Chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
Wat why
U sure
Is Hana gonna be there

Chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
And Hyunjin

The not chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
wat u serious
U know he's dating someone
And I'm dating someone

The not chinnybinni ㅋㅋ changed her name to JinniJinni ㅋㅋ.

Chinnybinni ㅋㅋ
He told me his gf cant come
u can ask ur cute boyfie tho uwu

JinniJinni ㅋㅋ
ttyl I'm at uni now

The day went by quickly, and She informed Changbin that Woojin would be coming with her. They found themselves in front of the samgyupsal restaurant and then Jiyeon heard a familiar raspy voice. "Ah! Jiyeon-ah!" the voice shouted. She turned to her right and then saw a man who seemed to be in his twenties, who had jet black hair that was fixed in a coconut matter and the same colored eyes.

She smiles a little and gave him a short hug. "Haven't seen you in a while." She said to him, "Oh, meet Woojin, by the way. Woojin, this is my childhood friend, Changbin." Woojin smiled and bowed politely. "No need to be so polite, bro. It's alright with me." Changbin said to him, shaking his hand. "So, let's start! I'm sure Hyunjin and Hana are inside now." He told them, putting his arms around them and dragging them inside.

They were welcomed warmly by Hana and Hyunjin as soon as they entered. The smell of meat cooked in a grill filled the entire place, and this made Jiyeon's stomach grumble. "Did you order already?" She asked. "Yup, bro. Beef and Pork bulgogi." Hana answered. "Oh, and Changbin ordered some Soju for us."

Her eyes widened and turned to Changbin. "What? You know I don't drink!" She scolded. Changbin laughed. "Come on! There's a first time for everything! As long as you just don't get addicted to it, that is. Right Woojin?"

"Well, I think it's fine for you since you are in the legal age now, Jiyeon. No one would be stopping you except yourself." He explained, smiling at her. Jiyeon rolled her eyes. "Fine. but someone better be taking care of me when I get drunk." She told them. "Gotcha," Hana answered with a smirk.

The three seated with Hana and Hyunjin as Hana prepared the cooked meat to the plates. Changbin reached the bottles of Soju and passed one to Jiyeon. Gotta take the leap, she thought. She then looked at everyone and then folded her hand, said, "We'll eat well." Changbin lifted his bottle and so did everyone else. "Cheers!" He started. Jiyeon lifted her bottle and clanged it gently along with the glass of other's bottles. She worriedly looked at the liquid inside then glanced around, seeing that everyone seemed fine after taking a sip. Then she took a good long sip.

The alcohol tasted good at first, then it started tasting weird, then, as it went down her throat, it burned a little. "Ah, It's burning my throat a little." She thought out loud. Hana, who sat beside her, smiled and pat her back. "You'll get used to it! It's normal for first-timers." She assured her. "Let's eat first before you're ready to make another round."

A few hours passed, and Jiyeon drank more than anyone else with her. She already finished her fifth bottle, and she took a deep breath, feeling so full. "Jiyeon, I think that's enough. I'm getting worried." Hyunjin started, looking into her dull eyes with genuine worry. "I'm f-fine. I'm sure I-I can handle another bottle." She defended, getting cut off by her hiccups. "Your face is red, you need some rest," Hana told her. "I told you, I'm fine," Jiyeon replied, smiling like an idiot. "Jiyeon. Time to go home. You're drunk." Woojin told her.

"Yeah. I've got to pay the bill now." Changbin said, "You guys go ahead." Jiyeon nodded and stood up. Everything around her seemed to be moving. She didn't know what was happening, and she couldn't hear anyone clearly. She shuffled through her path, occasionally feeling some objects hit her. Some hands were restricting her from where she is going.

She felt suddenly lonely.

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