Jiyeon walked outside the next day, and as soon as she walked down the stairs, a young man riding a bike approached her and smiled. "Noona! Good morning!" He greeted. She smiled and pet his head. "Morning, Jeongin. How are you today? Are you going to do something?" She asked. "I'm going to do what my mom asked. I'll buy some food for her so that she can cook in our restaurant." He explained. She nods and gave him a thumbs up. "Gotta work hard. I'll go see someone. See you later." She said, walking past him and waved before taking the subway to Woojin's house.

Jiyeon found herself in front of his door soon enough, and she knocked a couple of times. The door opened a crack and her eyes met with Woojin's. "Morning." She greeted. Woojin smiled and opened the door completely. "Morning, Jiyeon. Are you feeling well?" He asked. "My head hurts a little, but so far I'm alright. I want to have some time with you." She said to him. Woojin nodded. "Just make yourself comfy here. I'll make some food."

Hyunjin strolled around the mall, his right arm around Yeorum's shoulder and his right hand holding Yeorum's. They passed by several shops while eating corn dogs. "So you took care of Jiyeon? Why?" She asked. "Woojin had to do something important at that time. Jiyeon was just tired at that time." He replied, "I see. But you should have let someone else take care of her, you know. You don't have anything with her anymore." She said simply. Hyunjin sighed at the thought. "I.could, you know. But he trusted me."

"Hm, fair enough."

"Anyway, Let's go to the pet shop nearby. Maybe I can buy you a pet."

"You serious? kkami is enough for me!"

"I'm serious. You would be reminded of me when you look at it."

Throughout the day, Hyunjin and Yeorum managed to buy a dog. Yeorum toom it home for her to take care of. As soon as Hyunji reached home, Hyunjin's phone buzzed.

How was your day?

Was great, went on a date with Yeorum. Managed to buy a dog for her too

Nice. Im otw there btw

Wait wat
Ur coming?

Yea, wanna check on you and Kkami.

Yea but why now?

Been a while you know
I miss Kkami

Hyunjin looked around and started fixing his room. Kkami walked up to him and barked. "Your mom is coming, Kkami." He spoke to him. The dog whined and went to a corner, looking at him with moist eyes. Hyunjin smiled a little. "Don't worry. She won't be mad." He mumbled before looking down.

The doorbell rang, and Hyunjin ran to open it.

Jiyeon went inside as soon as Hyunjin opened the door. Kkami ran and barked happily. Jiyeon laughed and knelt down to give it a hug. "It's mommy. I miss you so much, Kkami."

Hyunjin chuckled from the distance. "You just came to see Kkami, didn't you?" Jiyeon sighed.

"I told you. I wanna check on you."

to be continued.

yes this chapter is lazy so-

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