Monday - Febuary 2 - Before School

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3rd Person Omniscient~
(Oooh a change in perspective.)

Fifty-two hours since Kimmy and Damien kissed.

Forty-six hours since he called her to "talk about it."

Thirty-seven hours since he last FaceTimed her.

Twelve hours since Damien texted her last.

Twelve and a half hours since Kimmy last replied to one of his messages.

She's avoiding you. You made her uncomfortable. You texted too much. You're too eager. You came off too strong. Too clingy. Too dependent.

The only word that ran through Damien's mind was 'too.' As thousands of what if scenarios ran throughout his head, the word encapsulated in his mind. 

Where is he?

Damien paced his bedroom waiting for Shayne, Mrs. Topp being his ride to school, to arrive. He knew that Shayne was the only person who would be able to distact him long enough to make it to school.

She reciprocated the kiss right?

The kiss had replayed in his mind so many times he wasn't sure on any specific details anymore. Just a jumble of half truths and missing memories.

Mrs. Topp pulled into his driveway and Damien raced to get into the car. With nothing more than a simple goodbye to his mother Damien was off to face his greatest fear at the moment.


The mixture of Shayne's voice and the radio playing was able to compress his worries into nothing more than meer static in the background. For about a good five minutes until he revived a notification.

Courtney. Damien placed his phone down without reading the message. She's probably saying stupid shit anyway.

All of his anxieties resurfaced to the front of his mind. Drowning out all other noise. Leaving the voice inside his head to fall into a rabbit hole of confusion and stress.

A/N - Hey y'all. Srry this took so long I wrote it on the 15th but felt it was too short but I couldn't think of anything to add so this is the best it'll get srry.

Also I realized the country in me comes out in the dialogue a lot. Sorry about that.


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