Chapter 2: The Pairing

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Hermione's POV

We sat patiently after the sorting and gaining six new Gryffindors for our new fates. Finally, McGonagall stood at the front of the great hall holding a large sheet of parchment. "Students I ask that 5th-year prefects escort anyone under the age of 17 to their dorms. For those of you left, it is my job to inform you of how this year is going to go." she paused for a moment looking around at everyone. "One of our courtyards has been transformed into new dorm rooms so that the guidelines set by the ministry can be met. Now the pairs have been chosen by the ministry based on interests, houses, and blood status so that we may continue the magical bloodline. Now I will read off your new fiance, and you will both head out and meet Professor Flitwick in the hall. Once you have all been partnered, we will lead you to your new homes, and tomorrow, you will start classes on domestic things like keeping house and taking care of your future children. Once you have been taken to your new dorms, we will send an update to your parents about your new partner. Are there any questions?"

Nobody moved or said anything. Everyone seemed to be in a complete daze. "Seeing that there are none, we will continue," she said, letting out a sigh." Hannah Abbott, Ron Weasley"

I watched as Ron's eyes became full, and he followed Hannah out the door." Susan Bones...."

I zoned out for a bit after that as more people left the great hall. "Hermione Granger..." this did catch my attention. "And... Harry Potter." it felt as if the whole world had stopped. Did they really expect me to marry my best friend? I felt a hand on my elbow, guiding me out of my seat. On the way out, I heard "Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley."

Harry led me into the hall where Ron and Hannah were waiting. Ginny and Neville followed us, no one saying anything. Soon Luna also exited the Great Hall alone. "Well?" Harry asked. "My partner seems not to go here," Luna said slowly. "In fact, he seems to be on his way home from Romania," she said. We all turned to Ron, who was still wide-eyed and in shock. "Y-you mean Charlie?" he stammered," Yes." Luna said with a slight smile "he's coming here to live so he can be with me, He is also coming so he can attend your weddings" it then seemed like she had decided her shoes were more interesting than the conversation.

We were led to the new rooms added at the back of the castle. As we walked past Flitwick called out who would be assigned to each room.

Harry and I were right next to Ginny and Neville and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. She would never tell me if it broke her heart that's just how she is, and she knows even if it did hurt there's nothing she could do about it.

Harry and I went into our new dorm, it was simple with a single bed around the corner, a bathroom in the back, and a kitchenette complete with a table and four chairs. We were told the lessons would include keeping house, and home improvement, and other things such as making the most of your space and decorating to make it feel more like home.

I found a bookcase near our bedroom and decided to spend the deadly silence we had going on with reading. Harry had been studying the marauder's map for hours watching the dots labeled with Ginny and Nevilles names pacing back and forth.

After a while I looked up "Harry, you look like you are trying to burn a hole through the paper" I said closing my book and walking over to the window overlooking the grounds.

"I'm going to the kitchens" Harry said "to visit with the elves and maybe get something to eat." he paused for a moment "Mione we might as well accept our situation...would you like to come with me?"

I put the book down on the window seal and walked over to him. "Let's go." I said, reaching for his hand in a friendly manner as he draped the invisibility cloak around us.

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