Chapter 5: The Double-Edged Sword Of Conversation

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The next few days were a whirlwind of activity.

Jeongguk finds himself sitting in on many meetings, the topics escaping him with his limited knowledge of vampire politics. He only understands maybe every other word, mind fuzzy from the blood Taehyung fills him with to keep him docile and satiate his almost unstoppable hunger. However, despite his lack of input Taehyung seems to genuinely crave his attendance.

With each meeting he finds himself crawling into the king's lap, the man's hands curling around his hips and pulling him close. He can't stay away, can't help how he melts into his arms, curls up like a content little cat under his chin, practically purrs at the smell of his blood under his skin.

Taehyung is an addiction, and the king seems to crave him just as badly.

He likes it, quite frankly. He likes how wanted Taehyung makes him feel.

They're always touching, hands grasping and lips trailing. Taehyung will kiss his neck as the Lords speak, trail his fingers up his thigh as he listens. Jeongguk doesn't let him go too far, his skin crawling at the very thought of the Lords watching them be even slightly more intimate with each other, and Taehyung never pushes him.

Except Jeongguk wants more, despite how the very thought makes his face burn in shame. He shouldn't. He shouldn't want more than Taehyung is willing to give him. He shouldn't be greedy when he's already been given more in the last couple weeks than he's received in nearly five years.

He knows he should be thankful that the king had not simply killed him when they met, hadn't looked down on him for what he had done. He knows he should be thankful he had simply pulled him in and fed him full, pampered him with sweet names and tucked him into his side like he never belonged anywhere else.

He just...wants more. More closeness, more intimacy. More information.

The days he spends in the Citadel feel like he's always two steps behind everyone else. He doesn't like this feeling of helplessness, doesn't like the way it's like everyone knows what's going on but him.

It all comes to a head when he wakes up alone, nearly a week after they had arrived.

Taehyung doesn't sleep, doesn't seem to need to, but he's taken to laying with Guk when he crawls into his bed at dawn. Jeongguk likes the way he pulls him close to his chest, twirls his shaggy hair between his fingers, lets him curl up on his chest and fall asleep to his breaths.

Jeongguk's eyes blink open slowly, fingers sliding across cool sheets as he stretches. The heavy comforter is warm and his eyes flutter as he resists the urge to fall back asleep. The castle shutters have slid open, the moon's light casting shadows over the extravagant room.

While vampires have never been able to be killed by sunlight, it's hardly comfortable.

He pushes himself up, blinking sleepily as he looks over the room. He can't see Taehyung anywhere, can barely smell him in the room despite how saturated it is with his scent. Although, he thinks with an embarrassed blush, that could be because of the bleach that had been used to clean the blood from the carpet. Such a messy eater, Taehyung teases him.

He pouts, forcing those thoughts aside, and wonders where the king might have wandered off to while he slept. How rude, he thinks as he shuffles his way off the bed, leaving him to wake up alone. Taehyung knows he doesn't like feeling alone.


His stomach rumbles and his teeth ache, nose scrunching as he catches the faintest whiff from one of the castle's staff.

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